Placing Sahaaba Under Scrutiny is Kufr
Our classes have ended. Was visiting a friend and another Moulana was present. He was discussing a paper he had written while studying Takhasusfil Hadith in Binnori Town.
He had written it on the basis of a question he was asked by a friend of his regarding the raawis of Ahaadith. The person asked him as to why the Sahabah were not put under the light of scrutiny because they also committed sins.
I told the brother that we had been by our teacher. Allah Ta’ala had caused these things to be committed by the Sahaabah. These were things that were against theShaan of Nabuwwat, hence and for teaching purposes, Allah Ta’ala induced the Sahaabah to commit such acts.
“Why the Sahaabah were not put under the light of scrutiny”:
After more than fourteen centuries and after thousands of great, illustrious Fuqaha, Muhadditheen and Mufassireen have flourished and written thousands of volumes on every branch of Islamic knowledge, some nonentity in this belated era in close proximity to Qiyaamah comes up with the question;
“Why the Sahaabah were not put under the light of scrutiny”.
Wallaah! This is a pure shaitaani waswasah.
This question never occurred to any of the great Souls of the past nor did Iblees have the courage to present this ishkaal to any of the illustrious Muhadditheen and Fuqaha. It is the first step in shaitaan’s ploy to attack the Imaan of the person concerned. Shaitaan has designed this snare for the elimination of his Imaan.
All sins are the products of the nafs, lust and desire. Sins to sabotage the Deen are most certainly sins of the nafs. There is no other fountain for sins other than the nafs. Thus, this answer has no validity.
The simple answer to the shaitaani question is that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) forbid the Ummah from making his Sahaabah targets of criticism. He said:
“Honour my Sahaabah, for verily they are the noblest….”
There is Ijma’ (Consensus of the Ummah) on the Adaalat of the Sahaabah. Even the Qur’aan Majeed testifies for the Adaalat of the Sahaabah. It is mentioned in Mirqaatul Mafaateeh: “ The Sahaabah, all of them, are Udool on the basis of the Kitaab (Qur’aan), Sunnah and Ijmaa’”
There are many Ahaadith to this effect. Putting the Sahaabah under scrutiny will be to put Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) himself under scrutiny.
The Hadith to this effect is recited almost every week in the second Jumuah khutbah. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had vouched for the uprighteousness, honesty and integrity of his Sahaabah.
Therefore, whoever subjects the integrity of the Sahaabah to scrutiny in fact places Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) under the glare of the satanic scrutiny.
If such ‘scrutiny’ had to be accommodated, then the same effects applicable to Ahaadith would have applied to Qur’aanic Aayaat. The same Hadith principles of Saheeh, Dhaeef, etc. would have been applied to the Qur’aan Majeed since it were only Sahaabah who narrated and authenticated the Qur’aanic Aayaat.
Some Qur’aanic Aayaat would then be classified ‘dhaeef’ and even ‘maudhoo’.
Only Shiahs are the experts in the satanic science of putting the Sahaabah under the scope of kufr scrutiny. That is precisely their basis for rejecting the authenticity of the Qur’aan Shareef.
The simple answer is that it is a shaitaani waswasah for which Ta’awwuz and Wala houla should be recited to eradicate the thought from the mind
Edited version – Source – Majlis – Vol. 26 no. 05