Colossal Deception Of Shaitaan
Shaitaan is such a villain that he adorns some actions and entraps a person in it. He covers an act with a beautiful external veneer whilst in it is great temptation and trial. Some shaitaani attraction accompanies the action. The person involved in it gains the impression of divine,acceptance. For example sima’ (spiritual singing). The participant sometimes is overwhelmed with emotion and ecstasy. Superficially it appears that the person who has been transported into an ecstasy is absorbed in divine love. But every state of ecstasy is not from Allah Ta’ala.
During such trances certain forms become impressed in the mind of a man who lacks knowledge (of the Deen). He gains the idea that these are the forms of Allah Ta’ala. The form appears so stunningly beautiful that he labours under the impression that he is visualizing Allah Ta’ala. Some even develop a belief in it. Thus when the attributes of the Beloved (Allah Ta’ ala) are sung in sima’, they keep in front of them the form in which they now believe. In the search for that form they become restless and go into trances and ecstasy.
Sometimes shaitaan conjures a heaven which he displays to a person who sees ‘angels’ fluttering about. The simpletons believe this to be a true manifestation. But the true Aarifeen immediately understand that it is neither a heaven nor are there any angels. The whole act is either a satanic imposition in one’s imagination or armies of shaitaan. At such a time one falls into colossal shaitaani deception without a Shaikh-e-Kaamil
“Sometimes there develops a strong urge to commit a sin. Despite striving to prevent the nafs, the urge becomes stronger. Then shaitaan and the nafs collude to hoodwink the Saalik. He gains the idea that if at this time he commits the sin just once, the desire of the nafs will be gratified and the urge will be totally extinguished. Sometimes on the basis of this nafsaani and shaitaani interpretation, he regards the commission of the sin at that juncture to be permissible on the basis of need. He then indulges in the sin. This is an exceptionally grave error. In fact, it is i as well. (Ilhaad: Kufr by interpretation). It is a grave error because by perpetration, that sin becomes embedded in the nafs. Thereafter it becomes almost impossible to eradicate it. It is Ilhaad because sin is accepted as a means of obedience. When such an urge develops, never grant the nafs the slightest leeway. Muster up courage and restrain the nafs. Even if the urge is
not extinguished, there is no harm in its lingering.
The urge itself is not punishable. Perpetration of the act is sinful and punishable. By exercising restraint a few times, such urges will become easily suppressed.”