When Some Harm Befalls One – Moulana Thanvi Rahamtul-Lahi Alayh’s Advice

Reading Time: < 1 minute


“I am also human and get grieved when some harm befalls me. However, Alhamdulillah, my grief is very short. I do not allow it to control me or to overwhelm me.

I reflect that Allah Ta’ala is Ar-Hamur-Rahimeen. He is Most Merciful.

Similarly, I reflect that Allah Ta’ala is Ahkamul-Haakimien. (Most Wise).

I think that He loves me and that He is saving me from some-thing much worse which is only in His Knowledge. Trusting in Him, I hand over my affairs to Him.

I thereafter find great contentment and tranquility in my heart.

I involve myself with my work and do not allow my mind to be occupied with what is not in my control.”