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Rijs or Najaasat is filth. All impure and haraam substances are described by the Qur’aan as rijs. There is absolutely no relationship and no compatibility between Imaan and rijs.

These two are mutually repellent. There is absolutely no room for rijs in Imaan. On the contrary, rijs is an inherent attribute of kufr. We thus see the exceptionally strong inclination which kuffaar intellectuals in particular have with rijs.

West Threatened by Islamic Principles of Purity

“Similarly, does Allah cast rijs (filth) over those who have no Imaan.”

(An’aam, aayat 125)

“Verily, rijs (filth) has been cast over you (O Kuffaar!) from your Rabb.”

(A’raaf, aayat 71)

“Turn away from them, for verily they are rijs (filth).”

(Taubah, aayat 95)

“He (Allah) casts rijs (filth) on those who have no understanding (i.e. the unbelievers).”

(Yunus, aayat 100)

“Abstain from the rijs (filth) of idols.”

(Hajj, aayat 30)

“Verily, liquor, gambling, idols and divining arrows are rijs (filth) from the action of shaitaan.”

(Maaidah, aayat 90)

“…..carrion (dead rotting meat, flowing blood, and the flesh of swine – verily these are rijs (filth).”

(An’aam, aayat 145)


Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Allah did not create cure for my Ummah in substances which have been made haraam for them.” However, in the realm of kuffaar medicine, rijs (filth) and haraam substances constitute primary sources of remedies.

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “For every sickness there is a cure.” This declaration should be read in conjunction with the other Hadith which prohibits filth and haraam substances as medicine for the Mu’mineen.

When these two Ahaadith are collectively studied the conclusion is conspicuous, namely, there is a cure for every disease in the myriads of pure, wholesome and halaal substances which Allah Azza Wa Jal has created in the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. Muslims are not supposed to cast their gaze towards the avenues of rijs from which the kuffaar medical establishment sources its remedies.

The attribute of filth is so overwhelming in kufr that we find the minds of kuffaar scientists, doctors and intellectuals in general drifting firstly in the direction of rijs and haraam despite the availability of millions and millions of pure, wholesome and halaal substances. The array of rijs and haraam which the kuffaar establishments utilize is indeed formidable.

The sources of their extraction processes for medical remedies and even food comprise of the following list: faeces of humans and animals, urine of animals and humans, phlegm of diseased persons, human placenta, blood, human bodies subjected to mutilation, feeding discarded dead babies to animals, cow dung from which the ingredient vanillin is extracted, cat excreta used in the most expensive coffee, cockroaches from which dye for sweets is extracted, human hair, semen, liquor, etc., etc.

The influence of western education has overshadowed the rains of Muslim intellectuals who have been brainwashed to believe that there is no cure for diseases other than in the rijsand haraam which the kuffaar medical establishment has certified. This attitude of mental slavery adopted by Muslims implies rejection of Rasulullah’s proclamations mentioned above.


The permissibility of using rijs and haraam as medicine and remedy is in the same category as permissibility to eat a small quantity of pork. This permissibility arises at a time of dire straits when life is at stake and no halaal substitute is available.

The permissibility of rijs medicine is not a norm as it has become nowadays. As far as the mountains of processed foods are concerned, the need is to abstain from most processed foods. ‘Halaal’ certificates do not transform the rijs into pure substances nor the haraam into halaal.

It is imperative for Muslims to exercise greater caution regarding the food and the medicines they ingest. The avalanche of rijs and haraam which is ingested contaminates

Imaan and utterly eliminates whatever spiritual fibre a Muslim has developed by virtue of his Ibaadat.