Disposition And Mentality Of Purifying The Self

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Dealing with the societal problems which perpetually occur on a daily basis and finding their solutions is known as Iṣlāḥ-e-nafs and Iṣlāḥ-e-mu’āshirah. The attributes of jealousy, malice, hatred, greed, and lust are ever apparent in the hearts of men. By creating such motives within humankind in this world, The Most High has sought for humanity to work to purify themselves of these base traits and adorn themselves with praiseworthy qualities so as to enter into the ranks of His beloved people. This rectification is the essence Iṣlāḥ-e-nafs. If the self is not purified, it will become habituated with evil traits and bad habits, and will lead one to the deepest pit of destruction.

In this day and age, the disposition and mentality of purifying the self is not seen as anything important. In fact, to say it is despised would be no exaggeration. The result of this is that the condition of society is going from bad to worse. If we examine just one branch of worship, i.e. ṣalāh, we see the condition of the Ummah is such that very few people are punctual of their salah. The state of the other acts of worship does not bear mentioning. As for morality and ethics within social transactions and interactions, we have become completely bankrupt.

To achieve Iṣlāḥ-e-nafs and Iṣlāḥ-e-mu’āshirah, of which every path is effective and beneficial. From among to achieve Iṣlāḥ-e-nafs and Iṣlāḥ-e-mu’āshirahthem, one of the most effective ways is through advising, counselling, and preaching.  their advices and company can transform infamous thieves, bandits, and pirates and enlist them into the ranks of Allāh’s favoured people. With regards to the requisites of Dīn (the Faith), preaching has three tracts: (1) Inviting to Dīn, (2) rectifying the condition of the Ummah, (3) and defending Islam.

By the Grace of the Most High, in this day and age we still have Ulama in all three fields. If a person listens to the sermons of a pious and stays within their company with the intention of self-rectification, their heart’s condition transforms and is refreshed. Their advices and company can transform infamous thieves, bandits, and pirates and enlist them into the ranks of Allāh’s favoured people. With regards to the requisites of Dīn (the Faith), preaching has three tracts: (1) Inviting to Dīn, (2) rectifying the condition of the Ummah, (3) and defending Islam.

‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’

The modern age is known as the Age of Science and the Internet. Many new scientific discoveries are being made and the importance of the internet and the media is plain to everyone. The current generation are more drawn and addicted to WhatsApp, Facebook, and the internet than moths are to the flame. Through these various Medias, those events which would have normally remained hidden have come into the public eye for all to see. However, keeping the following verse in mind:

[Quran – 2:219] وَإِثْمُهُمَا أَكْبَرُ مِنْ نَفْعِهِمَا

And their sin is greater than their benefit.

The devastating results which have become evident through its misuse are as apparent as the morning light. Therefore, careful consideration must be made towards the best possible manner in which these technologies can be used. And indeed an effort is being made in this regard at all times.

The present era is thought to be the era of the internet and media. In another words, it is an era of finding the easiest option available. A person can do everything whilst sitting in the comfort of their own home. Alongside its benefits, there are many harms as well. Before its existence, people would attend the masājid in order to partake in religious assemblies and gatherings. However, with the advent of the live broadcasting of programmes over the internet, many people have missed out on the opportunity to attend the blessed gatherings of the ulamā-e-kirām. Those with disabilities are obviously excused and exempt from this, yet many among the hale and healthy also suffice upon listening to the programmes over the internet without any valid excuse or reason. Similarly, the habit of listening to speeches on YouTube has become a common custom.

The false and deviant sects have benefited immensely from this golden opportunity by using it to propagate and give currency to their creed at every available chance, leaving no stone unturned in this endeavour. By employing these new technologies, they have converted many simple-hearted people to their cause through the use of excellent presentation and marketing. Another ill effect of this is that such simple people are inquiring into religious precepts to solve their daily issues online without any thought for differentiating the sect, creed, or school of thought behind the edicts. Likewise, many of the websites online deal in outlandish, inaccurate, and often erroneous information, in order to draw attention, increase visitors, and keep their business going. And many simple-hearted, guileless, and naïve people find their ferry sinking as a result.

That is the condition of those people who are intending to gain something of the religious knowledge. Yet there are many more whose improper use of the internet has led to evils such as pornography, illicit friendships, fornication, and adultery. There are many sad cases of this kind, may Allāh protect us all.