Athaab Of Allah Ta’ala Overtakes A Community, Then Duas And Thikr, Whilst Drowning Will Not Avail
If the current spiral of fitan (plural of Fitnah – mischief, evil, anarchy) engulfing the nations of the world in general, and the Ummah in particular, cannot arouse Muslims from their villainous slumber and jolt them out of their indulgence in immorality and transgression, no amount of dreams of the Buzrugs will avail. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) warning the Ummah, said that when Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahyi Anil Munkar (Commanding virtue and prohibiting vice) is abandoned, then Allah Ta’ala will appoint over us such brutal tyrants who will show no mercy to our little ones and no respect to our elders. The brutality and humiliation – the direct consequences of our misdeeds and rebellion – will hem in, disfigure and mutilate all members of the Ummah, be they infants, children, adults, men, women, the pious and the impious. No one will be spared when the Divine Axe falls on the Ummah. In this regard, the Qur’aan Majeed states: “Beware of such a Fitnah (Divine Punishment) which will not only overtake the transgressors among you.” At such a time of universal Athaab, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that your Buzrugs will supplicate (make Dua), but their Duas will go unheeded.
It should be well understood that when the Athaab of Allah Ta’ala overtakes a community, then Duas and Thikr, whilst drowning will not avail. Duas at that time will not avert the Athaab. The Divine Chastisement will run its ordained course. Even the pious Buzrugs and the Ulama will be overtaken by the disastrous punishment of Allah Ta’ala, which assumes a variety of forms such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, fire, pestilence, volcano eruptions, drought, famine, internecine warefare (Muslims killing Muslims), and the imposition of kuffaar to unleash brutality and genocide. All of these effects are being observed daily in our times. But no one heeds these palpable Signs of Qiyaamah and their immediate consequences which are being enacted in real life and which we observe and experience whilst we are fully awake. The Buzrugs are silent on the issues of the state of awakefulness.
The horrendous atrocities in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Palestine, Kashmir, and elsewhere, the earthquakes and floods occurring with increasing frequency, the collapse of buildings killing hundreds, and other disasters have not succeeded in opening the eyes of this Ummah. What hope is there for dreams to achieve the objective which the numerous other disasters fail to achieve? The Muslim Ummah is not suffering merely from spiritual lethargy. On the contrary, Muslims are spiritually dead and morally rotten to the core. These are the issues which the Buzrugs are supposed to tackle. These are the issues to emphasize, not the dreams. If the dreams are true, the Buzrugs who are disseminating it should wake up and execute the Command of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahyi Anil Munkar. Minus this vital requisite, it is meaningless to advise people to recite litanies of athkaar and dua, etc. The Ummah is rotten. It stinks of sin and immorality. The application of perfume to a filthy stinking body is ignorance. The body should first be thoroughly washed and purified. Thereafter will follow new garments and perfume.
If the Buzrugs and Ulama are genuine in their concern for the safety of the Ummah and for Allah’s Athaab to be diverted, they should highlight to their respective communities the fisq, fujoor, bid’ah and shirk in which Muslims are wallowing. Reciting duas without attending to the disease of flagrant transgression against Allah Ta’ala, will serve no benefit. Casting a veil of silence over the flagrant haraam perpetrations of the Ummah and advising Muslims to make dua, is ludicrous and ineffective. Muslims should be educated and informed of their wrongs and sins. Many Muslims indulge in sin because of the misguidance of the Ulama-e-Soo’. The Buzrugs and Ulama are more concerned with their little entrenched empires – their superficial ‘khaanqas’ and their madaaris which have become moral and spiritual skeletons. The satanic diplomacy of silence of the Buzrugs and Ulama in the face of flagrant fisq and fujoor of not only the lay people, but of the Ulama and Buzrugs as well, has ruined the Ummah. Dreams will not extricate the Ummah from the morally rotten and degenerate abyss in which the Ummah is sliding.
Warnings are heeded by only those who are genuinely pious. They are not in need of dreams to jolt them, for they are always awake and alert. They are always in the state of Inaabat ilal laah. They turn to Allah Ta’ala with repentance, greater reformation of the nafs and A’maal-e-Saalihah. Of what benefit are duas for people who refuse to abandon their evil televisions, evil computer and cell phone pornography? Such people have no idea of the meaning of Taubah and Istighfaar. Reciting some Istighfaar formulae whilst continuing the indulgence in fisq and fujoor, television and cell phone, carrion and riba, zina and gambling, bid’ah and kufr, etc., will not avail. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) himself has informed us that the Dua of even the Buzrugs will not be heeded by Allah Ta’ala when the ultimate decree of Allah’s Athaab arrives. The Qur’aan Majeed says:
“For every Ummah there is a term (an appointed time). When their appointed time arrives, it will not be not be advanced nor delayed by a moment.”
This absolutely rebellious and treacherous Ummah of today comes within the scope of the Qur’aanic aayat:
“When We (i.e. Allah Ta’ala) intend to destroy (the people) of a city, We command its affluent ones (i.e. they are given respite and free run). Then they perpetrate their fisq (flagrant acts of immorality) in the city. Then the Decree (of Punishment) becomes confirmed for (the people) of the city. Then We utterly destroy and deracinate it.” (i.e. the entire community is utterly uprooted and destroyed).
Among the Signs of the Approaching Hour which will be the prelude to the appearance if Dajjaal, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that:
- Amaanat (trust) in all fields will be abused and misappropriated
- The husband will obey his wife (in fulfilling all her haraam desires)
- Knowledge of the Deen will be pursued for worldly objectives
- Children will be insolently disobedient to their mother
- A man will draw his friend close to himself and distance himself from his father
- Voices will become loud in the Musaajid
- The Musaajid will be beautifully adorned structures, but devoid of Deeni guidance
- Nothing will remain of the Qur’aan, but its written text
- A nation will appoint as its leader the one who is most corrupt
- Bid’ah will be regarded to be Sunnah
- Music will be excessively prevalent (Today we hear music even in the Musjid when cell phones ring)
- The genuine people of piety will disappear and only ‘rubbish’ will remain
- The worst of the people will be their Ulama
- Knowledge of the Deen will disappear and jahl (ignorance) will take its place. Juhala will seek ‘fatwas’ from Juhala (Morons). They will be astray and lead others astray.
- Paying Zakaat will seem like paying a fine.
When these vices transpire, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Then be prepared for red winds (this could mean hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, etc.),