Hadhrat Hakimul Ummat (rahmatullah alayh) said:
“It is not a wonderful feat for those who have a perfectly entrenched Nisbat (spiritual relationship of divine proximity) with Allah Ta’ala if they do not incline towards sin. There is nothing astonishing if a man who is constantly overwhelmed by Khauf (fear) remains spiritually pure at all times.
It is only by the special favour of Allah that these lofty spiritual states have become their nature, The Qur’aan says: “Do not express your favour on Me because of your Islam. On the contrary, Allah expresses His favour for having guided you to Imaan, if indeed you are truthful.” (Man owes all his excellences to Allah Ta’ala. Every goodness is a bestowal of Allah Ta’ala.)
However, those people who have not yet developed a Nisbat with Allah Ta’ala, if they struggle against their nafs to abstain from sin and disobedience, then undoubtedly, their effort is a perfect excellence although the willpower and enthusiasm for this struggle are also bestowals of Allah Ta’ala. Nevertheless, this mujaahadah (struggle against the bestial instincts of the nafs) is praiseworthy.”