“Worms For Dinner?” Schools Serve Mealworms and Insects to Children to Save Planet from Global Warming

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It Begins… Schools in The Netherlands Serve Mealworms and Insects to Children to Save Planet from Global Warming

By Jim Hoft

Published October 15, 2022

In May The World Economic Forum promoted the EU’s new plan to use mealworms in food in their bid to reduce meat consumption.

The globalists are pushing for the peasants to eat bugs, weeds and synthetic ‘meat’ because bugs “consume fewer resources than traditional livestock.”

“Livestock around the world is responsible for around 14.5% of all greenhouse gas emissions relating to human activity. The need for land – whether for grazing animals or growing crops to feed animals – is “the single greatest driver of deforestation, with major consequences for biodiversity loss,” the paper says.

The European Union will be using mealworms, eaten whole, or in powder form in food.  The European Union (EU) has ruled that the larval stage of the Tenebrio molitor beetle, the mealworm, is safe for people to eat and it will shortly be on the market as a “novel food”” the WEF said.

In July US Public Broadcasting joined the globalists and urged Americans to eat “tasty” insects and bugs to help battle global warming.

And now this…

Schools in The Netherlands are now serving mealworms and insects to children. They want to get them used to eating bugs.

These are some wicked people .


Note: According to the scholars, the vermin of the earth such as snakes, scorpions, dung beetles, cockroaches, rats etc., are haraam. This is the view of Abu Haneefah, Ahmad and Dawood.

Al-Shaafa’i and his companions quote as evidence for that the aayah,

“and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khabaa’ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods),”

[al-A’raaf 7:157 – interpretation of the meaning]

The Mufassireen (commentators of the Quran Karim) have mentioned under the Tafseer of this Aayat that خبائث (impure things) refers to insects in general. (Idaahul Bayan Vol. 1 Pg. 535) 
The following has also been mentioned in a Hadith:
» نُُِينَا عَنْ خَشَاشِ الَْْرْضِ « : عَنْ نََفِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللََُّّ عَنْهُمَا 3
“We have been prevented from insects of the land.” (Sharh Musnad Abi Hanifah Vol. 1 Pg. 199)