Imitating Disbelievers & Consideration for a Sinner or Disbeliever

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Imitating Disbelievers

Islam is absolutely pure. It cannot tolerate that other cultures and religions be merged or mixed with it.
Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam) very clearly explained to his people that we are totally different from you and have nothing to do with your beliefs and ways. There will be perpetual enmity between us until you conform to our standards. Allah Ta‘ala says that this is a beautiful example for you to follow.

We are not allowed to have a friendship with the disbelievers or to imitate them in their ways. There are different levels of this. One level is that if something is an outstanding feature of theirs, then although it may be permissible in Islam, it would be prohibited. The example of this is urinating while standing. Although in principle it may be permissible, but since it has become an outstanding feature of the disbelievers, it would be forbidden.
Now we need to ask ourselves that shaking hands using only one hand or not wearing a topee, who’s ways are these? The answer is obvious, that these are outstanding features of the disbelievers.
Hence although in principle they may be permissible, they would be prohibited.

Consideration for a Sinner or Disbeliever

The Quraan Shareef permits us to show some outward consideration to the disbelievers in order to save ourselves from their evil and cruelty. For example if a person of influence may implicate one unnecessarily, it would be permissible to use some words of respect for him etc. This would be a mere outward display of respect and not true respect and love. It is also permissible to show consideration to someone in order to draw him closer to Islam or to Allah Ta‘ala. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) gave lots of wealth to certain new Muslims to draw them closer.

This is also a hallmark of the mashaayikh that they show consideration to certain people who are not so committed to deen in order to bring them closer. They may even show consideration and respect to a beardless person to win him over. Since their intention is great, it will be permissible and will not fall under the ambit of the prohibition of respecting a sinner. We should not just jump to conclusions and say that they are discriminating. They may
have noble intentions for doing so.
A very serious issue is when a person shows consideration and respect to a disbeliever and has a compromising approach in order to secure some material benefit. For example, a person joins his
Hindu business counterpart in his celebrations and customs because of business interests.

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