The ‛Ulamā’ are like salt Hadrat Qatādah radiyallāhu ‛anhu said that Ulamā’ are likened to salt. When something is about to get spoilt, it is set right with salt. However, if the salt is in itself spoilt, how will it be set right.
Glory to Allāh! What a beautiful example! There can be no better example than it. Undoubtedly, if the ‛Ulamā’ are upright, it is impossible for the masses not be the same.
The fault lies with us. Sometimes we become the causes of misguidance just as the ‛Ulamā’ of the past were the causes of guidance. The reason is that they adhered strictly to Dīn and followed the Sharī‛at. This is why people received guidance from them.
The author of al-Kashshāf writes: Do you not see how when the ‛Ulamā’ and seniors of the past were upright, they became the causes of uprightness of those who came after them? The gist of the discussion is that ‛Ulamā’ must practise on their knowledge. When the laymen see the ‛Ulamā’ practicing, it will become a cause of their rectification and religiosity. If they see a conflict between the words and actions of the ‛Ulamā’, the actual greatness and value of Dīn will leave their hearts. They will give up actions completely and become irreligious.
The misdeeds of the ‛Ulamā’ befalls their own selves and is also contagious. This shows how essential it is for ‛ulamā’ to be wary of misdeeds.
It is hoped that the reader will benefit from these points. Inspiration is from Allāh ta‛ālā alone.
Note: By the grace of Allāh ta‛ālā, these are most enlightening and admonitory words of Hadrat Muslihul Ummat rahimahullāh. It is necessary for all of us, especially the associates of Hadrat Muslihul Ummat rahimahullāh, to practise on them. Inspiration is from Allāh ta‛ālā alone. (compiler)
Source: The Statements and Lectures of Hadrat Maulānā Shāh Wasīyyullāh Sāhib rahimahullāhPage 76