How Mauláná Ya’qúb Sáhib رحمة الله عليه Overcame Waswasah – Qissah by Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah (رحمة الله)
How Mauláná Ya’qúb Sáhib رحمة الله عليه overcame waswasah
Qissah concerning Mauláná Ya’qúb Sáhib :رحمة الله عليه Mauláná Ya’qúb Sáhib رحمة الله عليه was the ustád of our Hadhratwálá رحمة الله عليه . It happened that whenever he stood up and commenced his namáz, this waswasah used to come that he did not perform the masah of the head. (Wetting the hands and passing them over the head is fardh. If this is not done, the wudhú is invalid.) He would then terminate the namáz and perform the masah, and then recommence his namáz. This thought, this waswasah, now affected him routinely. Whenever he commenced his namáz, the same waswasah came into his mind, he terminated his namáz, made masah and recommenced his namáz. Mauláná Ya’qúb Sáhib رحمة الله عليه was an accomplished ’álim. He was also the khalífah of Hají Imdádulláh رحمة الله عليه .
He himself was an accomplished sheikh. When some days had passed in this manner, he adopted a certain strategy: When he commenced his namáz, and the waswasah came that he had not performed the masah of the head, within himself, he said: “Yes, I did not make masah.” The response was: “Masah is fardh. If you have not made masah, then your wudhú is invalid.”
He replied: “Yes, my wudhú is invalid.” A further response was: “If your wudhú is not valid, then your namáz is also not valid.” He said: “Yes, the namáz will also be invalid.” The next response was: “When your namáz is invalid, seeing you performed it with an invalid wudhú, then Alláh تَعَال will be angry with you.” He replied: “Yes, He will be angry.” So, ignoring these, he completed his namáz. This time, he did not terminate his namáz to make masah. So, when it was time for the next namáz, the thought of not having masah did not enter his mind at all. Shaitán gave up on instilling this waswasah in him, telling himself: “This person does not listen to me. So, why should I do it?” He ran away. This type of waswasah can do nothing.
For Friends Number 27