Latest Arab Youth Survey: Less Democracy and More Shariah Please!
Just to clarify from the onset, we are honestly not going out of our way to try and trigger liberal-secularists, already depressed and nihilistic, into having anxiety attacks.
However, it certainly seems like things aren’t really going their way or as they planned.
They have invested billions of dollars (especially after 9/11) in a desperate attempt to liberalize and secularize the Islamic world, focusing in particular on the Arab world. Of course this money could have otherwise been utilized far more usefully.
However, despite all their efforts, these past few months have witnessed Arabs (especially the youth) becoming increasingly more and more religious.
Now we have another new study, the Arab Youth Survey, and it reveals the very same conclusions.
Here’s a little background information regarding the survey:
- The Arab Youth Survey is carried out on an annual basis.
- This particular survey is the 14th annual survey to have been carried out.
- The results were released just a few days ago, in September 2022.
- The survey is commissioned by Burson Cohn & Wolfe, a American-based public relations and communications company. The president of its MENA branch is Sunil John, an Indian businessman.
- It seems as though both the company and its MENA president would have nothing to gain from showcasing some sort of Islamic revival. It would thus be safe to assume that they would be “neutral” and “objective” regarding their findings.
Before examining the results, it is important to note that the report is described as follows, on p.2:
Now in its 14th year, the annual ASDA’A BCW Arab Youth Survey is the largest study of its kind of the Arab world’s largest demographic, its over 200 million youth.
On p.3, we are provided with a basic overview of the method adopted for the survey:
3,400 face-to-face interviews across 50 cities in 17 Arab states
Country nationals aged between 18-24 years
Sample split 50:50 male/female
Survey was conducted from May 13 to June 16, 2022
On p.5 we are informed that the margin of error is approximately a mere 1.65%:
Professional interviewers of IDS Research & Consultancy conducted 3,400 face-to-face interviews from May 13 to June 16, 2022. The interviews were completed in Arabic and English. Margin of error is +/-1.65% for the total sample and larger for sub-groups. Every country included is equally represented in the results of this survey.
In essence these seem to be “representative” statistics.
Now let’s take a closer look at the results.
The questions are divided into different “key themes,” but we will be focusing solely on those directly pertaining to religion.
Perhaps the most valuable piece of information is what is displayed on the following graph, from p.8:
So, in a single year, the percentage of young Arabs who consider religion to be the primary factor towards the basis of their identity has risen by 7%. This shift has also resulted in reduced numbers for tribalism and heritage. The numbers for nationalism however, seem to remain unchanged.
This is likely because the efforts towards secularizing the Arab world have been done principally through weaponizing nationalism (as can be seen with the UAE) and not, for example, by placing importance on Arab heritage or the Arabic language. The reason being that it would be self-defeating to do so, since both of these things are strongly interconnected with Islam.
We can also see how this percentage is considerably lower in the Levant. And as was the case with the Arab Barometer results, one wonders how strongly this result is correlated with secularized Christians (it mentions that Arab youth were interviewed for this survey and it does not restrict it to Arab Muslim youth).
Perhaps people such as David Wood and others like him should dedicate a little of their time towards trying to Evangelize the Christian youth in MENA (and elsewhere) rather than focusing all of their time and energy on targeting Muslims?
Anyway, even though 41% may seem relatively low to some, it is certainly far too high a number for liberal-secularists. Especially since they’ve expended so much effort, time, money and violence in trying to achieve the exact opposite. There is simply no denying that there is an evident upward trend of young Arabs placing religion (presuming that this is Islam in the vast majority of cases) at the center of their lives (precisely where it should be).
A 7% increase in just one year, with the Arab youth numbering over 200 million, says a huge amount regarding the significant dynamics at play. Obviously for one, it means it directly concerns millions of young Arabs.
On p.10 we’re told that 77% feel religious institutions need to be reformed. We don’t have the specific details of these answers, but we do wonder how many from this number meant that religious scholars should steer clear from the politics of secularist rulers.
Let’s also explore the following graph, as found on p.15:
Most young Arabs wish for Shari’ah to be the basis of their country’s legal system. A massive 70% in the Gulf feel this way! As for the relatively lower percentage in the Levant, we must once again bear in mind the number of secularized Christians.
Now for their views on democracy, p.27:
In a mere 4 years, the percentage of young Arabs that oppose democracy has risen drastically from less than half to almost two-thirds. And this time, strangely enough, it’s the Levant with the highest numbers.
In conclusion, we can say that while there is most definitely a serious need for greater effort to be made in educating the Muslim masses and bringing them closer to Islam, these results are nonetheless quite encouraging.
The current trends and directionality indicate that there is an Islamic revival taking place among the Arab youth. And this is despite them having been one of the primary targets of liberal-secularist social engineering.
All of this actually goes even beyond just the Arab world. We would like to take this opportunity to remind our readers that it is only within the Muslim world that you will witness the youth being represented by statistics of growing religiosity during these times of accelerated neoliberal globalization and the secularization that accompanies it.