Rajaa (Hope) – Maulana Maseehullah رحمه الله

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Rajaa (Hope)

Allah Ta’ala says:
“Do not despair of the rahmat of Allah”

Rasulullah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَم said:
“If even the disbeliever realises the extent of Allah’s rahmat (mercy), he (too) will not loose hope of Jannah.”

Nature of Rajaa

Rajaa is the state of the heart’s tranquillity which develops as a result of one’s yearning for the desirable objects of fadhl (Divine Grace), maghfirat (forgiveness), ni’mat (bounty) and Jannat, while devising ways and means for their attainment.

Thus one who remains in expectation of rahmat and Jannat, but does not adopt the means of their acquisition, viz., amal salih (righteous deeds), taubah (repentance), etc., will not attain the goal of raja.

He remains on the contrary in deception. He is like the one who in spite of not sowing the seeds, expects to reap the crop. He dwells in empty desire.

The manner of acquiring raja is to reflect about the vastness of Allah’s rahmat and His kindness.
