Worry about the Islaah of Children – Part 3
The Worry of livelihood and its Fitna
Today the parents are driving their children to such an environment for livelihood that neither their eeman nor their salaah nor their hayaa nor their akhlaaq is safe. They are making this livelihood as such an animal that would eat all the eeman and islami qualities from their children. Eventually the child grows up to become a money earning animal. It is this worry of livelihood that destroys the eeman. Allaahu yabsutur rizqa liman yashaao wayaqdiru. “Allah doth enlarge, or grant by (strict) measure, the sustenance (which He giveth) to whomso He pleaseth” “walillaahi khazaainus samaawaati walarDi” “But to Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth” Allah ﷻ has placed the treasures of rizq (provision) only in His hands. “Wafis samaai rizqukum wamaa tooAAadoona”. “And in heaven is your Sustenance, as (also) that which ye are promised.” The decision of your provision is made in the heavens. Today the kufr is hunting the new generation of muslims only with the trap of this livelihood. They invite our children to their places promising them that they will solve the problem of their livelihood. They invite our children as they do not have their own youngsters but only old people. They want to run their machines with our help. Our children then become the parts of machines of kuffaar. The muslim then lives like them and dies like them. They have so set the trap with the education so we fit ourselves for their machines and then they name it as solving our livelihood problems. Allah ﷻ has given the solution exactly for this problem saying, “Innallaaha huwa Ar-razzaaq dhul quwwatil mateen.”
The Powerful Verse of Allah ﷻ
“walladheena kafaroo yatamattaAAoona wayakuloona kamaa takulu alanAAm.” “While those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as cattle eat”. The fikr of only eating and drinking and the standard of such a living is the way of only kuffar. The life of muslims used to be based on “Innallaaha huwa Ar-razzaaq dhul quwwatil mateen.” “For Allah is He Who gives (all) Sustenance,- Lord of Power,- Steadfast (for ever)”. This is such a powerful verse. It is the worry of livelihood that makes the righteousness of even deeni people end in markets.
How many parents distance their children from Allah ﷻ because of the fikr of livelihood! Allah ﷻ is making them understand with these strong words, “Innallaaha huwa Ar-razzaaq dhul quwwatil mateen” Even raaziq is enough to emphasize and there is no need of huwa but Allah ﷻ is using ‘huwa’ here to make it strong. Again Razzaaq is a strong word but it is made much stronger with Alif-laam at its beginning. Allah ﷻ didn’t stop here but continued with stronger word zul quwwa and still made stronger and stronger with Al-Mateen. Allahu Alkbar! How strong this Arabic verse is cannot be explained by another language.
Allah ﷻ knows well the nafs that livelihood can become a fitna for the man and that is why He ﷻ is advising with strong words here. When He ﷻ can feed cats and dogs, can’t He ﷻ feed His ﷻ slaves? I swear on Allah ﷻ that even if one morsel of food is written for me by Allah ﷻ, even if the whole world gathers to snatch it, none can snatch it and if the whole world decides to give me one morsel of food that my Maula didn’t write for me, then none can feed me that morsel. This is clearly destined. “Allahummaa innee as’aluka eemaanan yubaashiru qalbee wa yaqeenan Saadiqan Hattaa a’Alama annahoo yuseebunee illaa maa katabta lee wariDham minal ma’EEshati bimaa qasamtalee”. “O Allah! I ask You for eemaan which is firmly attached to my heart and true conviction till I realize that nothing can afflict me except which You have written for me. And (I ask You) contentment with that which You have apportioned to me of livelihood.” He ﷻ is Hakeem, Raheem and also Rahmaan and I can’t have better livelihood than He ﷻ has written for me.