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Meat of improperly slaughtered animals is one of the major reasons behind high Uric Acid levels, other factors can be frequent intake of sweetened juices, unhealthy sea-foods such as shrimps and canned fish, washed lentils (without the shell), etc.

The Islamic system of Thabah has been abandoned by many “halaal” certification bodies and the unislamic stunning killing system has been adopted by them which leads to blood build up in the slaughtered meat that increases the uric acid in the body when consumed. Best to source free range healthy fed animals and slaughter the animal yourself so you know that the meat is genuinely halal and tayyIb.

In brief, a diet low in fiber, fruits and vegetables & high in fats / proteins leads to a build up of toxins and wastes in the body that leads to Gout. Your kidneys and other organs become over-loaded & are unable to filtrate the heavy impurities.

👁️ The evil eye (NAZR) on health is also another cause so be consistent with your daily adhkar and Duas to ward off the NAZR.

First of all, maintain a strict Tibb-e-Nabawi diet, Talbinah, Nabeez, Barley bread, pure home-made vinegar, & curries cooked in the blessed olive oil are the codes of perfection on this planet earth. Fresh Juice Therapy for Gout / Uric Acid has given good results for many Gout patients. Stop wheat & rice, soda drinks, processed sweetened juices, tea / coffee, vegetable oils, pickles, salted foods, eggs & dairy products, and all whatever is available as canned / packed foods from the conventional food market. Vegetable curries are the best except potatoes, lady finger (Bhindi), egg-plant (Baingan), Cabbage & Cauliflower.

Some Ammunition to Help Counter Gout Attacks
When an attack of gout strikes, eat only raw fruit and vegetables, or their juices for about two weeks.
Use an ice-pack on the painful area to reduce inflammation
Rest and take the weight off the affected joint until symptoms subside.
All meat should be avoided for at least 15 days, as this is very high in uric acid
Eliminate  fried foods and roasted nuts
Limit intake of tea, coffee, cauliflower, dried beans, lentils, fish, eggs and peas
Drink plenty of water, to promote the excretion of uric acid. Remember that kidney stones are also
associated with Gout.
Periodic fruit and vegetable fasts, especially for those with chronic gout, are very beneficial
Exercise regularly between attacks
Loose weight if over weight
Cherries have been known to assist with Gout
Avoid certain protein-rich foods that can lead to decreased urate excretion: organ meats (liver, brains
and kidneys), shellfish, fatty fish, asparagus and spinach. Some people find particular foods affect them as
individuals. These should be avoided in that instance.
Ensure that foods high in cholesterol are avoid

Tibb-e-Nabawi’s Blessed Herbal Medicine :

Make a blend with 100 grams each of dried حناء / Henna leaves, لــبــان / Lubaan / Frankincense ,Gokhru (Tribulus terrestris) & 50 grams of كــرفـــس / Karafs / Celery seeds, take a teaspoon 3 times after every meal, HENNA Water with Honey in moderately cold water (at an empty stomach) should be taken for 15 days continuously & then twice per Week.


If the patient is not suffering with severe pain in the joints, knees or heels, first session should be on the back, & then next month can focus on the other problematic parts of the body.

If the patient suffers with the severe pain in the joints, legs should be cupped before draining the back. Hijamah on the legs is beneficial for Knee pain & joint pain, Uric acid accumulation; casing pain in the heels, Eczema patches(heavy metals) that usually appear on the legs, Numbness in legs & feet, Urine / water retention, Swelling on the legs & feet, Weak legs, those who can’t stand for long, Diabetic foot, Dropsy, People who sit for 8-10 hours on the chair (at the office, on the PC, etc.), they normally have leg issues due to lack of blood circulation.