بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

If you cover a pile of feces with sugar, chocolates and desserts, the eventual stink and disease that comes is even worse than if it were not covered at all. Foolish people will admire it and be attracted by the glitter and glamour, then they will partake of it, even imagining its taste as sweet because their minds have been hypnotised by the appearance, so much so that their taste buds have failed them, and after a little while of consuming it, sickness will quickly overtake them and render them dead.

The Soccer World Cup taking place in Qatar is that humongous pile of feces, cunningly covered in a facade of ‘Islam’, with (some of) its ceremonies masquerading as an ‘invitation’ to Islam, misusing ayaat of Qur’aan to actually support their Shaytaani agenda, which even Muslims have been duped into being fascinated with, hypnotised, partaking of it, and enjoying it’s flavor until they are spiritually dead.

Those who can see through the fake “Islamic” Sherbet coating, know immediately what real Shaytaaniyat is being concealed underneath, like these:

Pushing the LGBT and Unification of religions agenda

While Qatar puts on a front to appear to be anti-LGBT, it invites and pays a famous gay rights proponent, atheist actor Morgan Freeman, to ‘star’ in the opening ceremony (which was followed by music and dancing).

The mere presence of this actor in this prominent way is a very subtle way of promoting the LGBT agenda without saying it directly. A very cunning dajjaali method. Morgan Freeman has been supporting same-sex marriages for over a decade.

In 2012 he used his voice in a series of gay rights ads to say: “Now, across our country, we’re standing together for the right of gay and lesbian Americans to marry the person they love,”.

In 2017  while in Australia, Freeman said one of his best memories of Australia was ending up in a gay bar in Sydney listening to We Are Family. “It was so much fun and I thought there was this feeling of freedom,” he said. “I am surprised Australia doesn’t have marriage equality.”

Freeman has also been accused of sexual harassment and assault by no less than eight women. Hardly a role model for Qatar to put forward trying to promote ‘Islamic values.’ which they claim to be doing.

But thats not all, in the opening ceremony he says: “How could so many countries, languages, cultures come together if only one way is accepted!” = Here he is referring subtly, but directly to the unificiation of religions agenda, to the agenda that all religions are good, the shaytaani agenda to make you think that all religions are correct, and not just ‘one way’. This is directly against Islamic aqeedah and directly against clear verses of Quraan that states only Islam is accepted by Allah ﷻ.

Worse than this, the ayaat of Quraan that are then recited by the disabled Qatari citizen (which is a ploy that no doubt blinds the heart to realise what is going on because of the sympathetic focus on his disability), are used out of context to make it seem that the Quran supports this ideology of his that it is okay to have different “ways”, meaning different “religions”, as long as a person is righteous. What a manipulation of the Quraan by the Qataris to try to fit in with their unification objective!!!

Yet so called Muslim bloggers and social media personalities are ‘thrilled’ by this sugar coated kufr ideology on the world stage, thinking it to be great for Islamic dawah.

Freeman has previously stated that he believes ‘man invented God’, and in 2019 he claims to follow Zoroastraniasm, so don’t be fooled by the fifa fitnah in ‘Islamic garb’

Extreme waste and extravagance

Is there really a need for me to say anything on this? Maybe this chart is sufficient:

Yes, the chart is correct, two hundred and twenty BILLION dollars spent on the world cup, the most ever for any World Cup. Is that not extravagance?

In a world where Muslims are suffering and living as refugees in different countries. In a world where Yemeni children are dying of starvation, Syrian orphans are going without food for days, Qatar spends 220 BILLION DOLLARS on a sports entertainment event. Approximately 7 million Syrian refugees are living in Turkey. The last documented number for Syrian refugees in Qatar is only 189. No place and budget for our displaced Muslim brothers and sisters from the mubarak lands of Shaam but 220 BILLION DOLLARS can be spent, and useless stadiums and plenty of accommodation can built for this DAJJALI FIFA FITNAH.

  • Bribery and corruption,

  • music,

  • singing and dancing,

  • uncovering of the awra,

  • consumption of liquor (its only banned in certain areas primarily for crowd control),

  • extreme materialism and idolisation of celebrities,

  • neglect of salaah, dhikr and ibadat,

  • widespread picture making and encouragement of taking pictures (becoming musawwiroon whom the hadeeth says will have the worst punishment in the aakhira)

Hardly anyone has the time to read these days otherwise I would have elaborated on each of the above in detail. This is the pile of feces that is the reality hiding within this event. Just like dajjaal will show you water and fire, but his fire will be the paradise and his water will be jahannam. In the same way you are being shown an Islamic facade, but hiding in it is kufr and shirk.

But there is one more aspect I want to make you sober about by explaining a very important principle

The ends rarely justify the means

Social media and particularly modernist muslims have been raving on about how many people accepted Islam because of this extravagant, 220 BILLION DOLLAR, music, lgbt and liquor infested distraction from the Ibada of Allah, as if this justifies this filth. It doesn’t, it never will. It doesn’t matter if the whole world accepts Islam through this deception, it will still be a haraam dajjali deception.

It is not a kamaal or a great feat to get someone to accept Islam. The kamal is to make an effort for someone to acquire Imaan. Understand the difference. Accepting Islam is the natural outcome of being invited to the truth. If a person rejects after being shown the truth then he rejects out of stubbornness or arrogance, therefore accepting Islam is not a kamal and something to be so excited about that it makes you think the event is good. If muslims are so thrilled that people are accpeting Islam at the event, it is because they think it is something strange and unheard of that a person accepts the truth. No, the opposite is true, it is strange and unheard of if a person does not accept the truth.

The true feat is the learning of Imaan which will protect and perfect a person’s Islam. The bedouins when they accepted Islam in the time of Nabi ﷺ, said Aamanna! (We have brought Imaan) and the verses of Quraan were revealed to tell them that they have not yet brought Imaan, they have at this stage only accepted Islam, Imaan has not yet entered into their hearts.

People accept Islam for different reasons, many do it sincerely and then devote their lives to learning Imaan, leaving alcohol, womanising and places of fitnah and fearing going back to kufr so they will stay away from places of fitnah. Some do it because they want to marry a Muslim girl, some do it because its a new thing they are trying out (and this is common with westerners). Some do it because they want to get entry into places only Muslims can enter, or they want to feel comfortable in their surroundings. I have lived in western countries for many years and I seen people like this accept Islam for various reasons and then leave just as quick as they accepted, because they hadn’t learnt and acquired Imaan and changed their environment and those they associate with. Some of these individuals accepted Imaan at my own hands, one youngster because he was getting married to a girl from Indonesia. I kept in contact with him after to teach him and assist him to remain on Islam, Then one day he broke up with the girl and blankly informed me he was no longer Muslim and I should not contact him any longer.

Don’t get me wrong, people accepting Islam is desired, it is one of the primary objectives of striving for deen and it is highly rewarded, but it is useless if no follow up effort is made for the person to acquire Imaan, and instead they are thrown immediately into an environment of fitnah that is the FIFA deception. They will be confused as to what Islam really is right from the beginning. The effort of inviting to Islam and the effort of building Imaan work hand in hand so that a person can remain a Muslim and a Momin until death. Nabi ﷺ taught us how to invite people to Islam and make the effort of Imaan, they were not mutually exclusive. A person who was invited and accepted Islam was immediately brought into the talks of Imaan, he was taught how to make salaah, he came in the company of the Prophet ﷺ, he gave up his old ways and left the environment of fitnah. At this event people are being invited to a false Islam, they are being invited to an Islam of glitter and glamour, modernism and liberalism, LGBT acceptance, engagement in useless and vain pursuits and relegation of Islamic duties to a secondary position. What type of Islam is this?

Today the modernist, social media dawah crowd, shout takbeer and record it on their phones when people take the shahaada, but afterwards they move on to someone else and totally neglect the new muslim’s nurturing and care, for them to learn and acquire Imaan and remain Muslim. Where are these new muslims being taken after becoming muslim? Are they being taken to learn salaah or to watch the soccer match? To the Masjid and Madrasah or to the bar for the afterparty? How many of them are being taken to learn deen, to learn to read Quraan, to learn to acquire Imaan.

Don’t fool yourselves. If you want to talk about the hundreds accepting Islam as a validation for the extravagant event, then lets talk about the approximately 6500 workers who died as a result of the poor working conditions at the infrastructure projects in Qatar since Qatar was decided as the host. The investigative article says:

More than 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since it won the right to host the World Cup 10 years ago, the Guardian can reveal.

The findings, compiled from government sources, mean an average of 12 migrant workers from these five south Asian nations have died each week since the night in December 2010 when the streets of Doha were filled with ecstatic crowds celebrating Qatar’s victory.

Data from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka revealed there were 5,927 deaths of migrant workers in the period 2011–2020. Separately, data from Pakistan’s embassy in Qatar reported a further 824 deaths of Pakistani workers, between 2010 and 2020.

If you want to say that the event is ‘good’ because so many people accepted Islam then what do you say of all the Muslims who died because of the event? Was that also ‘good’

Wake up and smell the feces in this cup. It’s sugar coated for a reason, otherwise you wouldn’t be eating it