Giving to Children
When anything is given to a child on the occasion of his circumcision or any other such occasion, the purpose and object is not to give the child but to his parents. All those gifts are therefore not the possession of the child. Instead, the parents are its owners and they can do whatever they wish with those gifts. However, if a person gives an item specifically for the child, he will be its owner. If the child has reached an age of understanding, it is sufficient for him to take possession of the item himself. Once he takes possession of it, he will be its owner. If the child does not take possession of it or is incapable of doing so, then by the father taking possession of it, the child will become its owner. If the father is not present, the child will become its owner by the grandfather taking possession of it. If the father and grandfather are not present, the guardian of the child should take possession of it. If the mother or grandmother take possession of the item despite the father or grandfather being present, it will not be considered.
If the father or the grandfather (in the absence of the father) wish to give the child or grandchild a gift, it is sufficient for them to say: “I have given this to the child.” In the absence of the father or grandfather, if the mother or brother wish to give a gift to the child and this child is also under their care, then by their saying the above words, the child will become its owner. It is not necessary for anyone to take possession of the item.
When wishing to give anything to your children, ensure that you give it equally among your children. The son and the daughter should be given equally. If you give one of your children more than the others, there is no harm in this. However, you should not have the intention of causing harm to the one whom you gave less. If this is your intention, it will not be permissible to give him less.
Anything that belongs to an immature child should only be utilised for him. It is not permissible for anyone to utilise it for their personal purposes. Even the parents should not utilise it for their personal purposes nor for any of the other children.