The Daughter of Shah bin Shuja‘ Kirmani
This Pious servant of Allah Ta’ala (Shah bin Shuja‘ Kirmani) abandoned his kingship and adopted sufism. He had a daughter. Another ruler proposed to her but the father refused. Upon seeing a poor, pious young man offering salat in a beautiful manner, he got her married to him. When she left her parents’ home and came to her husband’s home she saw a piece of dry bread which was hidden in a water-pot. Upon seeing this, she asked: “What is this?”
The boy replied: “This is the left-over of last night. I have left it so that I may open my fast with it.” Upon hearing this, she turned to go. The boy said: “I knew from the very outset that a king’s daughter will not be happy with my poverty.”
She replied: “The king’s daughter is not displeased with your poverty, instead, she is displeased that you do not have any trust in Allah. I am surprised at my father who told me that you are a virtuous young man. How can a person who does not place his trust in Allah be virtuous and pious?” This boy began apologizing. She said: “I don’t want to hear any apologies. Either I remain in this house or this bread remains here.”
The boy immediately gave this bread in charity and she remained with him.
Lesson: O women! This girl was also a woman. You should also learn some patience and reduce your desire for wealth and possessions.