Wise Advices – Part 2
25. Stay among people, but remain aloof. Your body should be among creation, but your heart with the Creator. This will ensure that negligence does not overtake you. Beware of such negligence lest you conform with people in a way which entails opposition to Allah and His displeasure.
26. The sign of proximity and love of Allah Ta’ala is shunning all things which impede the love of Allah;
27. There are two kinds of Taubah: Taubah-e-Inaabat and Taubah-e-Istijaabat. Taubah-e-Inaabat is to repent of sins because of the fear of Allah’s punishment. Taubah-e-Istijaabat is to resort to Taubah because of shame for Allah Ta’ala. One’s ibaadat is absolutely insignificant in the presence of His Majesty and Splendour.
28. Every part of the body has its taubah. The taubah of the heart is its intention to abstain from haraam. The taubah of the eye is not to glance at things forbidden. The taubah of the ear is not to listen to evil and nonsensical talk. The taubah of the hands is not to raise them toward that which has been forbidden. The taubah of the stomach is to refrain from consuming haraam. The taubah of one’s modesty is to abstain from acts of immorality and fornication.
29. A contemptible person is one who inspite of being ignorant of the Path of Allah does nor enquire about it.
30. People said to Hadhrat Baayazid Bustaami (rahmatullah alayh):
“You are a performer of many miracles. You walk on the surface of water.”
He replied: “This is no miracle. Twigs also float on water.”
People said: “But you fly in the air.”
He replied: “This too is no miracle, for tiny insects too fly in the air.”
People said: “It is indeed a great miracle that within a single night you travel to Makkah Muazzamah.”
He replied: “This too is nothing. Sorcerers journey in a single night from Hindustan to Mount Diyaanand.”
People said: “What then is a miracle?”
He replied: “A miracle is engrossment of the heart with none besides Allah.”
31. Your relationship with your Shaikh should be like the relationship of Hadhrat Siddique Akbar Radiallahu Anhu with Rasulullah (saws). He never contradicted Rasulullah (saws) in either the Deen or the dunyaa. One should have a Shaikh fitting the description given by Hadhrat Junaid (rahmatullah alayh), the Qur’aan-e-Kareem, in his right hand, the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saws) in his left hand and he (the Shaikh) should walk in the light of these two lamps so that one does nor fall in the pits of doubt nor in the darkness of bid’ah.
32. When man considers his nafs to be despicable and contemptible, it is the sign of Allah loving and honouring him. And, when he considers his nafs to be honourable and when his defects remain hidden from him, it is the sign of Allah’s detestation for him.