Once a simpleton heard a Molvi giving a lecture on the virtues and benefits of Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Among the benefits, the Molvi had mentioned that if Bismillah is recited with yaqeen (firm belief and conviction), wonders can be accomplished.
The simpleton said to himself: “This is indeed a wonderful prescription”. Daily the simpleton had to cross a river to reach his place of work. He had to pay the ferry boat a few cents for each trip. He said to himself that now with Bismillaah he would be able to save the ferryboat fee. So, every day he would say Bismillaah and enter the river. Within a few moments he would be safely on the other side. After some time he thought: “I have to invite the Molvi for meals to show my gratitude for the wonderful prescription.”
The Molvi accepted his invitation and accompanied the simpleton. When they reached the river, the Molvi halted, and asked: “Where is the ferryboat?” The simpleton said that there was no need for the boat. Let us recite Bismillaah and cross the river. Obviously the Molvi was unable to muster the courage for the feat. The simpleton with surprise said: “Molvi Sahib, you had taught me the benefits of Bismillaah.” He took hold of the Molvi’s hand and reciting Bismillaah, entered into the river. Within moments, both were safely on the other side.
In amazement the Molvi said: “Brother, I am an Aalim and you are an Aamil.” (Aamil is one who practises according to the teachings he has acquired. The Molvi Sahib lacked the yaqeen which the simpleton had.)