The sacred function of the Ulama is to safeguard the Deen. The Aqaaid (Beliefs) and the A’maal (Practices) of Islam have to be protected from the contamination of bid’ah, kufr and shirk. This is the prime duty of the Ulama who are the Heirs and Representatives of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). As long as the Ulama faithfully discharge the duty of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar, they will remain the stars of Hidaayat for the Ummah. But, corruption in the ranks of the Ulama destroys not only themselves, but the Ummah as well.
When the Ulama fall into dhalaal (deviation) and utilize their positions for the acquisition of the despicable aims of Jah (worldly fame) and Maal (worldly wealth), then they fall from their pedestal of honour and enter into the ranks of the Ulama-e-Soo’ (Evil Ulama) who act as the agents of shaitaan. Once Hadhrat Sufyaan Bin Uyainah (rahmatullah alayh) came to visit Hadhrat Fudhail Bin Iyaadh (rahmatullah alayh – who was among the Tab-e-Taabieen) and one of the most illustrious Mashaa-ikh and Auliya.
Hadhrat Fudhail (rahmatullah alayh) said: “At one time you, the Jamaat of the Ulama, were the lanterns of Hidaayat for the cities. But now you are a source of darkness for the cities. You were once stars of Hidaayat for the people like the stars in the heaven from which people seek directions on land. Now, you have become for the world a source of confusion. You (the Ulama) no longer have shame for Allah Ta’ala. You frequent the wealthy and accept their gifts without ascertaining whether halaal or haraam. Then you stand in the Mihraab narrating Ahadith.” While Hadhrat Fudhail was admonishing, Hadhrat Sufyaan with lowered head was reciting Istighfaar.
It is imperative for the Ulama to reflect and engage in constant meditation regarding their motives and actions. Destruction to the Deen has nowadays been wrought by Ulama under guise of Ta’leem and Tabligh. It does not behove the Ulama to become involved in dubious diplomacy and intrigue. They are supposed to be the Stars of Guidance. Honesty and truth must shine and radiate from them. It is not the function of the Ulama to engage in menial activities such as supervising the food stores of the kuffaar and aiding in boosting their sales by means of halaal certificates. It is not the function of the Ulama to become part of a wedding custom. It is not the function of the Ulama to join hands with modernists and deviated persons and organizations in misconceived ventures advertised as Deeni activities.
The honesty and uprighteousness of the Ulama should be such as to keep them far away and far above all such activities which detract from their prime function of guarding the Shariah.