10 Ways There’s Wisdom In Satan’s Creation

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10 Ways There’s Wisdom In Satan’s Creation

“Allah will not leave you in your present state until He separates the evil from the good.”    179:3

Only Allah knows the reasons behind the creation of Satan(Iblees).  Is there any wisdom in it?

Let’s look at 10 answers given by Islamic Scholar,  Ibn al-Qayyim, to this question.

How There’s Wisdom In Satan’s Creation

  1. Struggle and Perfect Worship

Prophets and believers both struggle against the enemy of Allah in many ways.  This is what finally leads to excellence in their worship.

They are thus able to reach much higher status.  And it’s possible just through the plots of a detestable creature.

  1. Fear of Sins

The fall of Satan makes angels and humans fearful of the same treatment.  They submit to their Lord taking care to avoid His anger.

  1. Lessons 

For the proud and disobedient, Iblees is a lesson.  In the same manner, the example of Prophet Adam(peace be upon him) shows the benefits of repentance  that follows a mistake.

  1. Test and Trial

By mixing pure and evil on the earth, the truth is revealed.  With tests and trials, those who prove their sincerity are separated from the lot and promised paradise, their final destination.

  1. Thankfulness

Slaves of Allah are grateful and thank Him when He gives them light after darkness.  The difficulties and suffering that they experience is a means to bring them closer to their Creator.

  1. Forms of Worship

Allah likes that His true slaves worship Him in the best forms namely love Him, earning His pleasure and avoiding His anger.  These, in fact, result from  the existence of Satan and its assistants.

  1. A Sign

Allah created opposites from fire and clay.  Moreover, it’s a sign that these two materials individually display contrasting characteristics.

It can be seen that fire burns and lights.  Similarly, clay is found in diverse colours or consistencies.

  1. Power of Allah

Allah manifests His power when the wicked oppresses the righteous.  For this purpose, early Prophets witnessed great miracles eg rescue from a flood or fire, splitting of the sea.

  1. Rule and Control

Allah definitely rules and controls creation.  It is displayed in His ability to direct the various aspects eg good/bad deeds that justify the application of reward/punishment.

  1. Allah’s Names

Several of Allah’s beautiful names and attributes are made clear through the advent of Iblees:

  • The Creator
  • The One who forgives
  • The One who humiliates
  • The One who elevates
  • The One Who honours
  • The Praiseworthy
  • The Judge
  • The Avenger
  • The Merciful
  • The Sustainer
  • The All-Wise
  • The Patient One
  • The Generous One
  • The Protector
  • The Just

The accursed devil harms or causes trouble.  Believers are subject to its attacks but return, full of remorse, to their Lord who is always willing to forgive them.

And what Allah likes most is how His servants bear the hardships out of sincere love for Him:

“What I desire is what the bearers can bear for Me.”

On the other hand, Satan gets the worse punishment as it keeps sinning till judgment day.  Since it initiates every evil, it will be the first to be judged.

This is a  proof of justice and wisdom.



Reference: The World of the Jinn and Devils by Dr Umar Sulaiman al-Ashqar (translated by Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo).