Shaiytan said to her: “How can anyone ask your hand while your beauty is hidden and all other women display it outside?” and she replied: “Allah wrote for me my destiny and who will marry me long ago before I even existed.. The one meant for me will find me even if I’m hidden inside a cave and I trust my Creator”
Shaiytan told her :”Majority of Muslim women don’t wear hijab nowadays! Be modern like them!” and she replied:”Shall I stop praying also if everyone stop praying?! Shall I stop fasting Ramadan if everyone stop fasting? I live for my Creator not for the creation!”
Shaiytan said to her :”Imaan is in the heart not in hijab! Many hijabis do bad things!” and she smiled and replied with confidence:
“If we follow this logic, then praying is also in the heart, fasting is in the heart and hajj is In the heart! When imaan is in the heart hijab comes automatically & hijab doesn’t turn us into angels we are still sinners! And what is haram on hijabi is also Haram on a non hijabi.”
Shaiytan got frustrated and said:”you will never find a job with hijab who will hire you?” and she replied :”provision is from Allah not from his creation!”
Shaiytan said one last time:”people will treat you badly because of hijab! Your life will be harder!”
and she replied with high confidence :”and this life is nothing but a test! We will all be tested in different way and jannah is expensive, it’s price is high which is sabr/ patience over hardships and for my Lord I am ready to bear everything
Oh my! How can we find such ladies?