The Second Wife of Ismaa‘il (alayhis salaam)
Prior to building the Ka’bah, Ibrâhîm ‘alayhis salâm had come to Makkah on two occasions. However, on both occasions he did not find Ismâ‘îl ‘alayhis salâm at home. Neither was he (Ibrâhîm ‘alayhis salâm) commanded to stay over in Makkah for very long (whereby he could have met his son). When he came to Makkah on the first of such occasions, the wife of Ismâ‘îl ‘alayhis salâm was at home. He asked her how she was managing. She replied: “I am in great difficulty.” He replied: “When your husband returns, convey my salâm to him and tell him to change his door-frame.” When Ismâ‘îl ‘alayhis salâm returned home and learnt everything, he replied: “That was my father and the door-frame that he was referring to is actually you. He wants me to leave you.” He therefore divorced her and married another woman.
When Ibrâhîm ‘alayhis salâm came a second time, he met the second wife of his son. She welcomed him and was very hospitable to him. He also asked her how she was managing. She replied: “Thanks to Allah, I am experiencing a lot of comfort.” He made du‘â for her and said to her: “When your husband returns home, convey my salâm to him and tell him to maintain his door-frame.” When Ismâ‘îl ‘alayhis salâm returned home, he was informed of what transpired. He remarked: “That was my father. He asked me to keep you with me.”
Lesson: See the consequences of being ungrateful. One prophet became displeased with her, while the other prophet divorced her. The fruit of gratitude and patience was that one prophet made du‘â for her and she was blessed with the opportunity of staying in the company of another prophet. O women! Don’t ever be ungrateful. You must exercise patience and express gratitude irrespective of the situation in which you are.