Hadhrat Sahl Bin Abdullah (Rahmatullah alayh) who was among the very senior Auliya of former times, narrated the following very interesting episode:
“I stumbled on a City of Aad (the Nation of Aad was destroyed by Allah Ta’ala). I saw mansions which were hewn out of solid rock. In the centre of this city was a stately palace which was inhabited by the jinn. I entered into this palace. To my astonishment I saw a huge aged giant jinn facing the Ka’bah and engaging in Salaat. He was dressed with a beautiful jubbah (cloak).
While I was marvelling at his huge size and at the exquisitely beautiful jubbah, he terminated his Salaat with Salaam. I greeted him with Salaam, and he responded with Salaam. Then he said: “O Sahal Bin Abdullah! The garments on my body do not age nor become worn and tattered. There is no factor in the physical body to cause garments to age and become torn and tattered. Only the foul odour of sins and the effect of consuming haraam food cause clothes to deteriorate, become old and torn. I have been wearing this humble jubbah for about seven hundred years. In these very garments had I met Hadhrat Isaa (Alayhis salaam) and Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). I had embraced Imaan on both.”
Hadhrat Sahal asked: “Who are you?” The Jinn replied: “I am among those (Jinn) regarding whom was revealed the Aayat: “Say (O Muhammad!): “It has been revealed to me that a group among the Jinn had listened to the Qur’aan.” Then they said: ‘Verily we have heard a wonderful Qur’aan which guides to righteousness. We therefore believed it, and never shall we associate any partner with our Rabb.” (Al-Jinn, Aayaat 1, 2, 3,………….)
This Sahaabi Jinn demonstrated three karaamaat (miracles):
(1) He mentioned Hadhrat Sahal by name although he had never met him.
(2) He explained the evil effects of sins.
(3) The jubbah remained like new despite being seven centuries old as a result of abstaining from sins. By kashf it was revealed to the Jinn that Hadhrat Sahal was admiring the cloak