Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “The life of this world is nothing but play and amusement while the Abode of the Aakhirat is best for those who have fear (for Allah). What! Have you no intelligence (to understand this reality)?”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “This dunya is a home for one who has no home (i.e. in the Aakhirat), and it (the dunya) is wealth for one who has no wealth (in the Aakhirat). He who accumulates wealth for the sake of the dunya has no intelligence.” “Verily, the dunya has been created for you, but you have been created for the Aakhirat.” (Therefore, do not become engrossed in worldly pursuits).
Our life originated in Jannat where Allah Ta’ala had created our ancestors, Hadhrat Aadam (Alayhis salaam) and Hadhrat Hawwa (Alayhas salaam). Then Allah’s Wisdom demanded that we be sent to earth for a short while. This extremely brief time of worldly life has no relationship with the everlasting life of billions and trillions of years, which Allah Ta’ala has promised us. We have not been created for this dunya. This world is a temporary halt or a station in our onward journey into the Aakhirat. From the dunya we have to traverse the dangerous valleys of Maut, Barzakh and Qiyaamah – Only then will we know where our destination is – Jannat or Jahannam.
Allah Ta’ala has granted us this brief worldly life to prepare ourselves for His Meeting and for our everlasting happiness and pleasure in Jannat. True Pleasure and Happiness cannot be found in this dunya. Those who believe that wealth and power can grant them happiness will always be disillusioned in this world. It is the Mu’min’s obligation to be alert, not to forget the objective for which he/she is in this dunya, and to strive to gain Allah’s Pleasure in order to gain the everlasting happiness of Jannat promised to us by Allah Ta’ala. This earthly life will soon come to an end, and for most people the end (Maut) is abrupt and harsh. It will be a time of regret but regret will be of no benefit.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that the most intelligent person is the one who makes preparations for the Sojourn of Barzakh – the life commencing from Maut.
In a nut shell, this preparation is Taa-at or obedience to Allah Ta’ala. This Taa-at has two fundamentals:
(1) Ibaadat, and (2) Abstention from sin.
It is of utmost importance to resolutely implement these two fundamentals. In addition to observance of the Fardh and Waajib acts of Ibaadat, increase Nafl Ibaadat. The Faraaidh will not suffice for immediate entry into Jannat. Observance of Mustahab and Nafl acts is of utmost importance.
Then, abstention from sin and futility is of even greater importance than Nafl ibaadat. We are engulfed by fitnah, evil and sin. Most people have practically destroyed their Imaan with internet and television vice. Maut comes suddenly without warning. It does not behove the Muslim to squander life in sin and disobedience, then regret when it is too late.
To assist one in Taa-at, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) prescribed two important acts: (1) Constant Thikrullaah, and (2) Remembering Maut abundantly. Regarding constant Thikrullaah, our Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Your tongue should remain everfresh with the Thikr of Allah.” Thus, it is necessary to keep the Name of Allah Ta’ala constantly on the tongue while walking, sitting, working and in all walks of life. For this purpose the best form of Thikr is Laa ilaha ill al laah. Regarding Maut, Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Remember much the entity which will sever (all worldly) delights, i.e. Maut.” Never forget that Maut is stalking us and according to the Hadith the Qabar calls us with reminders such as: “I am an abode of darkness; an abode of solitude; an abode of worms; an abode of torment, etc.”
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has also prescribed Muraaqabah (Meditation) for our moral reformation and for bringing us close to Allah Ta’ala. It is necessary to be in solitude for a few minutes every night and to meditate on Death – the pangs of death, then the assignment into the grave. This meditation should be a nightly exercise for a few minutes. Even whilst lying in bed before sleeping, meditate on this reality. It will then create in the mind a vivid perception of the futility of the worldly shadows we are pursuing, and the reality of the Aakhirat. Muraaqabah will strengthen the bond with Allah Ta’ala, and abstention from sin will then not be a struggle. Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “Those who strive in Our (obedience), We shall most certainly guide them along Our ways.”