Q & A
Q. In Salaat after completing Su- rah Faatihah should Bismillaah be recite before beginning a Surah?
A. If you are a Shaafi’, then you have to recite Bismillaah when beginning another Surah after having recited Surah Faatihah. If you are a Hanafi, it is permissible to recite Bismillaah. It is not compulsory for Hanafis.
Q. How should a woman place her arms when she is in Sajdah?
A. It is necessary/compulsory for a woman’s arms to rest on the ground during Sajdah. She should not raise her arms off from the ground as males do.
Q. Some people say that shaitaan was once an Angel. A. Shaitaan is not an Angel. He is a jinn. The Qur’aan categorically states that he is a jinn.
Q. What could I recite for depression?
A. When depressed recite Surah Inna anzalna and blow on your food. Also, after Namaaz, recite Surah Alam Nash Rah, and blow on your heart. Keep the mind and heart strong. Depression is short-lived. It will, Insha’Allah, pass over. Don’t brood over it.
Try to divert your mind to something else. Depression too comes with its benefits
Q. I took a false oath intentionally because I was scared. What is the compensation?
A. Since you had intentionally taken a false oath, the normal Kaffaarah does not apply. The intentional false oath is a major sin. The compensation is Taubah (repentance). You may give as Sadqah whatever you wish. But there is no monetary compensation stipulated by the Shariah for an intentional false oath. May Allah Ta’ala forgive you.
Q. Is it permissible for Muslims in a non-Muslim country to join the armed forces to fight against Iran?
A. It is not be permissible for Muslims in a non-Muslim country to join the armed forces to fight for the non- Muslim country against Iran despite them being Shiahs.
Q. Is numerology permissible? One gives one’s name and birth date to the numerologist and he/she will tell you exactly what type of person you are and your problem. Future events are also predicted.
A. Numerology is not permissible. It is akin to kufr. It is prohibited in the Hadith. It is the same as fortune- telling, albeit by a different method.
Q. Is dream interpretation also not fortune-telling?
A. Dream interpretation is not for- tune-telling. Dream interpretation was done even by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Sahaabah. In this interpretation one is merely informed of the meaning of the dream in the same way as a language is translated or a difficult part in a book is explained. Thus, dream interpretation is a form of translation.
Q. Is it permissible for an adult to make Aqeeqah for himself if it was not made by his parents? A. It is permissible for an adult to make Aqeeqah for himself which had not been done during his infancy. Q. I was unable to make Aqeeqah for my child on the seventh day. Is it valid to do it after the seventh day?
A. It is permissible to slaughter the sheep on any day which is convenient for you although the Sunnat is to slaughter it on the 7th day. If you miss the 7th day, then at any time in the f uture on the 7th day which in your case is Thursday. That is, on any Thursday. And, if this too is inconvenient, then on any day of your convenience.
Q. Is it permissible to kill a non-Muslim who blasphemes or insults Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)?
A. Neither in a non-Muslim state nor in an Islamic state is it permissible for an individual to take the law into his own hands and kill a person who has disparaged Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). While the Muslim has to incumbently hate the blasphemer, he (the Muslim) does not have the right to kill him. It is the right of only the Qaadhi (Islamic judge) to try, convict and sentence the blasphemer. Those who ignore this law of the Shariah, advocate anarchy.
Ref: Majlis-volume-20-number-10