The Various Classes Of Malaaikah (Angels) Inhabiting The Different Levels Of The Heavens

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IN A LENGTHY Hadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) narrated by Al- laamah Jalaaluddin Suyuti (rahmatullah alayhi) the following description of the various classes of Malaaikah (Angels) inhabiting the different levels of the Heavens is given:

1) The first heaven (Samaa-e- Dunya) has been created a powerful solid structure. The inhabitants occupying this heaven are powerful beings having the form of cattle. Each one has wings. Some have two, some three and some four wings. Their number equals the number of the stars. They perpetual- ly recite Tasbeeh, Kalimah Tayyibah and Takbeer.

2) The Angels inhabiting the second heaven are as numerous as raindrops. They are in the form of scorpions. Neither do they sleep nor pause a moment in their recitation of Tasbeeh.

3) The Angels of the third heaven have human form and they are as numerous as the grains of sand. They perpetually seek refuge with Allah Ta’ala.

4) The Angels inhabiting the fourth heaven are in the form of Hoor-e-Een (Damsels of Jannat). They are as numerous as all the leaves on all the trees. They stand in rows shoulder to shoulder. Some are in Ruku’ while others are in Sajdah. Noor emanating from the Tasbeehaat which they recite permeates the heavens and the earth.

5) The Angels of the fifth heaven are twice the num- ber of the entire animal kingdom. They have the form of eagles. They are engaged in recording divine laws. Some are supervisors of others.

6) The Angels occupying the sixth heaven have the form of beautiful horses. They are called Hizbullaah (The Army of Allah).

7) The inhabitants of the seventh heaven are the Muqarrab Angels. They enjoy a very close relation- ship with Allah Ta’ala. Among them are the Angels who deliver the manuscrips of deeds. Above them are the Angels who bear aloft the Divine Throne. Above the seventh heaven is another huge, wondrous specimen of creation known as Karubi. There are many levels among them as well.


Source: Majlis-volume-20-number-10