General Etiquette’s of the Quran Karim

Reading Time: 3 minutes


General Etiquette’s of the Quran

  1. Respect for the Quran Sharif
  2. It is compulsory to touch the Quran in the state of wudhu

The Quran states :

“That (this) is indeed a noble Quran
In a Book well-guarded
Which none can touch but the purified,
A Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.” (Surat Al-Waq`ia verse 77-80)

The classical scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama`ah (the four schools) are unanimous in their interpretation of the above verses that a person has to be physically clean (in a state of wudhu) in order to handle the Arabic book of the Quran (mushaf).

It is unlawful (haram) for someone not in the state of wudhu to carry or touch a Quran, it’s writing, the spaces between it’s lines, it’s margins,it’s binding or the carrying strap attached to it.

It is permissible to carry tafsirs or translations of the Quran provided that most of their text is not Qur’anic Arabic text. However, as respect to the

Quran it is always meritorious to touch these in a state of wudhu as well.

2. One should not use saliva on the fingers to turn the pages of the Qur’an as this soils the pages.

3. It is only appropriate to brush one’s teeth with a toothstick (miswak), remove food particles from between them, and to freshen one’s mouth before reciting, since these are the words of Allah.

4. It is best not to lean against something and recite the Quran. Rather sit upright and humble like a slave before his master.

5. One should dress as if one is intending to visit a king because the reciter is engaged in an intimate discourse with the king of all kings – Allah.

6. When beginning to recite, say Áoozu Billahi Minash Shaitaanir Rajeem and Bismalah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem, whether one has begun at the first surah or some other part one has reached.

7. Recite it leisurely and without haste.

8. Give each letter its due so as to clearly and fully pronounce every word, for each letter counts as ten good deeds.

9. No books should be placed on the Qur’an. It should always be higher than all other books, whether they are books of sacred knowledge or something else.

  1. How to study the Quran

When studying the Quran a person needs to respond emotionally and in practice to the words of the Qur’an:

  1. At verses that promise Allah’s favour, one should long for Allah Most High and ask of His bounty. At verses that warn of His punishment one should ask Him to save one from it.

2. When hearing Allah’s name and His attributes, the heart should be filled with awe and gratitude.

  1. When reading of Allah’s messengers, the heart should have an urge to follow them and an aversion for those who opposed them.
  1. When reading of the Day of Judgement, the heart should long for paradise, and tremble at the very thought of hell-fire.
  1. When reading of disobedient persons and nations who went astray and earned Allah’s punishment, one should intensely dislike being as they were.
  1. When reading of the righteous, whom Allah loves and rewards, one should be eager to be like them.
  1. When reading of the promises of rewards, forgiveness and mercy and of His pleasure in the Hereafter, the heart should be filled with a desire to work for them and deserve them.
  1. When reading of those who are indifferent to the Quran, who turn away from it, who do not accept it and who do not live by it one should fear that one becomes of them, and resolve not to be from amongst them.
  1. When hearing the summons to obey Allah and strive in His way, one should be determined to respond and achieve the peace and happiness that comes from responding.