The Story of the Patience and Tolerance Of Nabi Moosa عليه السلام
Nabi Moosa (Alayhis Salaam) was a shepherd in the service of Nabi Shuaib (Alayhis Salaam) as mentioned in the Quran. One day, while grazing the goats, a goat ran away. Nabi Moosa (Alayhis Salaam) had to run after it so far that his feet became filled with blisters. He walked so far that the rest of the flock too could not be seen anymore. Finally, the goat became tired and came to a standstill and Nabi Moosa (Alayhis Salaam) caught it. Instead of being angry with the goat or beating it, he rubbed sympathetically around its neck, back and head. Like a mother, he acted kindly to the animal and although having suffered so much pain himself, did not in any way show his displeasure. In fact, he felt sorry for the animal so much that tears came to his eyes. He said to the goat, “I thought that you had no mercy upon me. That is why you made me so exhausted. But why did you not have mercy upon yourself.
If you had no mercy upon the blisters upon my feet and the thorns that pricked me, then at least you should have had mercy upon yourself. ” At that moment, Allah Ta’ala said to the Angels, “Nabi Moosa (Alayhis Salaam) is now suited for Prophethood.” (In other words: The ability to withstand the sorrows of the Ummat and to withstand the injuries from their side and the heart to bear all difficulties). Allah Ta’ala said to the angels: For the Prophethood of this era, Moosa is the suitable person. ”
“Nabi Mustapha (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) has said that before acquiring Prophethood, Every Prophet used to be a shepherd”. This is also mentioned in a Hadith of Bukhari Sharif and Maulana discussed the wisdom in that: “So that through grazing sheep and goats, The Prophet’s patience and dignity may be exposed. The reason they are made to rear goats is, To teach them patience and gentleness amidst adversity. ” Someone inquired of Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam): “Did you also look after sheep, O Best of Creation?” He replied: “Yes, indeed, I also at one time was a shepherd.” “Allah Ta’ala, after this herding of sheep, grants spiritual shepherd hood and after delivering the duty of a shepherd, He grants the Prophets the position of spiritual herdsman.”
It is said that being a herdsman inculcates tolerance and clemency as sheep and goats have the habit of wandering away in all directions. Thus, the herdsman has a great problem in gathering them together just as Nabi Moosa (Alayhis Salaam) was troubled in the above story.