The Gauge of the Ummah – Baitul Muqaddas (Al Aqsa)
The Gauge of the Ummah – Baitul Muqaddas
The lands of Shaam (Syria, Palestine and surrounding areas) are lands of blessings. The Mi’raaj of Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) commenced from here. Allah Ta‘ala Himself speaks of the blessings of this land in the Quraan:
“We have blessed the lands around it”
Sayyiduna Ebrahim (‘alaihis salaam) had moved from ‘Iraq to the lands of Shaam, and this then became the homeland of the Banu Israaeel and all the Ambiyaa (‘alaihimus salaam) that were sent
from them. Allah Ta‘ala had warned the Banu Israaeel that if they caused mischief and corruption on earth then the control of these lands and Musjidul Aqsa will be lost. Allah Ta‘ala also warned them
that this will happen twice, and so did it happen.
Baitul Muqaddas has a very unique feature in that it serves as a gauge for the condition of the Muslims.
If the Muslims are upright and straight then they will have control over it and if not then they will lose that control. The Muslims of that time were the Banu Israaeel and as long as they remained upright and held on to their
scripture, control remained in their hands. The same applies to us.
The control of these lands depends on the Muslims. If, for example, we inspect the masaajid at the time of fajr then we will find that less than 25 percent of musallees are present at fajr time.
Advices of Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (d.b.)