After Isha when the Musjid doors had been closed, there was a knock at the door. When
Hadhrat Khawwaa opened the door, he saw a man with a container of food. The man said: “This
hot bread and kebaab are for the inmates of the Musjid.” Hadhrat Khawwaas accepted it and
presented it to the faqeer.
Hadhrat Ka’bul Ahbaar (radhiyallahu anhu) narrated the following anecdote of a sinner among
Bani Israaeel. A man after committing zina went to take ghusl in the river. While he was bathing
himself, he heard the river rebuking him: “Have you no shame! After repentance you repeat the
same abomination!” The terrified sinner quickly emerged from the river and ran to a mountain.
When he reached the top he found twelve Aabideen engaging in Thikrullaah. He joined their
After many months they all descended from the mountain and were going to the same spot
where the river had admonished the sinner. He said to his twelve companions: “You proceed. I
shall not go there because my sins are known at that place.” The twelve Aabideen leaving him
behind proceeded to the river. When they reached the spot, they heard the river saying: “O
Aabideen! Where is your companion?” They said: “He refused to come because his sins are
known here. He feels ashamed of himself.” The river responded: “He has repented and has
engrossed himself in the Pleasure of Allah. I now love him. Bring him so that he engages in
ibaadat here.”
The Aabideen informed the repenter and brought him to the river. All of them remained by
the river, devoting all the time to ibaadat. After some time, the repenter died. The river spoke:
“Bury him close to me.” They buried him at that spot. They slept the night near to the river and
resolved to leave the place in the morning. In the morning they saw twelve fully grown trees
near to the grave. The number of trees was a sign for them to remain by the river. Thus, they
passed the remainder of their lives by the river until they died.
Hadhrat Ka’bul Ahbaar (radhiyallahu anhu) narrated the following anecdote of a sinner among Bani Israaeel. A man after committing zina went to take ghusl in the river. While he was bathing
himself, he heard the river rebuking him: “Have you no shame! After repentance you repeat the same abomination!” The terrified sinner quickly emerged from the river and ran to a mountain.
When he reached the top he found twelve Aabideen engaging in Thikrullaah. He joined their company.
After many months they all descended from the mountain and were going to the same spot where the river had admonished the sinner. He said to his twelve companions: “You proceed. I
shall not go there because my sins are known at that place.” The twelve Aabideen leaving him behind proceeded to the river. When they reached the spot, they heard the river saying: “O
Aabideen! Where is your companion?” They said: “He refused to come because his sins are known here. He feels ashamed of himself.” The river responded: “He has repented and has
engrossed himself in the Pleasure of Allah. I now love him. Bring him so that he engages in ibaadat here.”
The Aabideen informed the repenter and brought him to the river. All of them remained by the river, devoting all the time to ibaadat. After some time, the repenter died. The river spoke:
“Bury him close to me.” They buried him at that spot. They slept the night near to the river and resolved to leave the place in the morning. In the morning they saw twelve fully grown trees
near to the grave. The number of trees was a sign for them to remain by the river. Thus, they passed the remainder of their lives by the river until they died.