Dates – Not Just for Ramadaan

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This fruit is mentioned over 50 times in the Bible and around 20 times in the Qur’an.

The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) has emphasized the importance of dates and their effectiveness in the growth of the foetus (and many other benefits).  Nabi (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) has also recommended they be given to women. Modern dietary institute now recommend dates to be given to children suffering from a nervous nature or hyperactivity. The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) has also recommended dates as a medicine for heart troubles, according to some reports. Modern science has also proven the effectiveness of dates, in preventing diseases of the respiratory system.

Sayyidah Ayisha ( Radhiyallaahu Anha), the wife of Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam), used to prescribe dates for those suffering from giddiness.

It is now well known that a fall in the level of the sugar in the blood and low blood pressure are among the causes of giddiness. She was also reported to have used dates combined with cucumber to treat her over-slim condition! She said, “They’ve tried to fatten me giving me everything. But I did not become fat. Then they fattened me with cucumber and ripe dates and I gained!” Ayisha Radhiyallaahu Anha was 100% correct, as we now know that one kilogram of dates contains nearly 3,000 calories which alone are sufficient to supply the minimum daily requirements of an active man for one full day.

Dates Nutrition Facts

If you’re looking for copper, potassium, or fiber, look no further than dates. While this fruit is rich in numerous essential nutrients and hence offer many benefits, the date is so small that you will need to eat a larger quantity in order to intake the necessary amounts.

The following nutritional data outlines some of the main nutrients found in this fruit, and is based on 100 gram serving of dates :

  • 696 milligrams of potassium (20% RDA)
  • 7 grams of fiber (27% RDA)
  • 3 milligrams of manganese (15% RDA)
  • 4 milligrams of copper (18% RDA)
  • 2 milligrams of Vitamin B6 (12% RDA)
  • 54 milligrams of magnesium (14% RDA)

Note: Dates have high sugar content – about 66.5 grams of sugar per 100 grams serving of dates. It’s recommended to reduce sugar intake as much as possible, even when it is being consumed from fruits.

Health Benefits of Dates 

Dates have been found to have many benefits and potential for usage in the management of various health conditions. Here are the possible health benefits of dates:

  1. Improve bone health

The date is rich in magnesium, copper, manganese, and selenium, and all of these are necessary when it comes to keeping your bones healthy, and preventing certain health conditions, like osteoporosis.

  1. Lower cholesterol

Did you know that this fruit contains very little fat and is free from cholesterol? Including dates in smaller amounts in your daily diet can help you keep a check on your cholesterol levels.

  1. Protein-rich food

This small fruit is a great source of proteins, which keep our muscles strong and help us in staying fit. Many regular gym goers are asked to consume a few dates each day as part of their standard daily routine.

  1. Strengthens the nervous system

The date is loaded with potassium, and also contain little sodium, which is an ideal mineral combination in keeping the nervous system in order. The potassium can help prevent stroke and can help reduce “bad” cholesterol.

  1. Rich in iron

Except for the fluorine, which keeps the teeth healthy, the date also contains iron that is highly recommended for people who suffer from iron deficiency. Moreover, it’s good for blood purification, too.

Related: Iron deficiency anemia: Best Iron-Rich Foods, Quick Treatment

  1. Promote digestion

If you eat dates or soak some in water and consume them every day, your will improve the work of your digestive system. Plus, it is recommended for individuals who often have constipation issues.

  1. Support Weight Gain

Dates are really flexible! They can be a part of your weight loss diet program and also can assist to weight gain. The proteins, sugar, and vitamins in the fruit support weight gain when you need it. Furthermore, it’s said that when consumed with cucumber, this fruit helps to keep the weight at normal levels. And that’s what we call flexibility!

  1. Rich in essential vitamins

Date contains vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, and B5, as well Vitamin A and C. If you eat a few dates each day, you won’t have to take any vitamin supplements. Not just will it keep you vigorous – these will be a visible change in your energy levels as well, due to the fact that date contains natural sugars, like fructose, sucrose, and glucose, too. Therefore, it works really good as a quick snack.

  1. Improve skin

The Vitamin D and Vitamin C works on the elasticity of the skin, and also keep the skin smooth. Moreover, if you experience some skin issues, incorporating this fruit into your diet may help you in the long run. Plus, the date also comes with anti-ageing properties and can prevent the accumulation of melanin in the body.

10. Nabeez Drink from Dates

Nabeez – An Ancient Drink That Helps Alkalize and Detox the Body

Cooking with Dates

Dates are best eaten raw. The sweet fruit makes for an ideal breakfast snack, in porridges and cereals. Many people have even substitute refined sugar with date syrup.

Jaggery, which is made from the date palm, is a delicious addition to black coffee, and dried dates can be added to bread, cakes, and many other dishes. You can keep a box of seedless or seeded dates in your fridge, and ensure to have a few daily. It will also prevent you from overindulging. ( Article adapted from healthtube).

Prophetic Food

Nabeez [ also called Nabidh or Nabedh] was one of the drinks consumed by our Nabi (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam). In his time, it was typically made with dates, raisins or dried figs and water. The fruit were never mixed. They were always soaked separately.
Nabeez is an alkalizing tonic, that has the tendency to detoxify, remove acidity from the stomach and digestive system and it also helps to remove other metabolic wastes from the body. It improves digestion as it’s high in soluble fibre and it strengthens the memory. It assists the spleen function, liver, throat, chest and prostate, and so is particularly good for men. Nabeez will also benefit patients of Arthritis and elevated levels of Uric Acid (gout).

The Prophet (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) used to combine dates with bread sometimes. At other times he mixed ripe dates with cucumber, or dates combined with ghee. He used to take all varieties of dates, but he preferred the variety called Ajwah.

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