The First Sin In Jannah And On Earth
What was the very first sin committed in heaven and the first sin committed on the surface of the earth?
Up in the heavens, the first sin was pride (by Shaytaan) while here on earth the first sin perpetrated was jealousy between Haabeel and Qaabeel (the two sons of Hazrat Aadam عليه السلام
The hasad that developed between them resulted in murder (with Qaabeel slaying his brother Haabeel). The jealous one is blind, yes, totally blind. If not, then how is it possible for one Muslim to take the life of his ownbrother? Taubah, taubah! This slaying was based solely on hasad or jealousy. The murderer was blinded by jealousy.
We have established that jealousy stems from miserliness. Never ever let your heart burn with envy upon seeing another person favoured with bounties from Allah تعالى. Never allow yourself to be consumed by jealousy. If you realise this happening to you, do not waste time in seeking a cure. It is a most despicable sin. Seek Allah تعالى’s protection, or else you shall be destroyed. It appears in the hadith shareef that, jealousy devours good deeds like fire devours wood. ”
The jealous one is indirectly objecting against Almighty Allah تعالى. It is as if he is saying,’so-and-so is not worthy of any bounty, yet You (O Allah تعالى تعالى) have granted that person so many favours.’ We seek the protection of Allah تعالى! That person is challenging Allah تعالى! ]
What a terrible thing to do!
The jealous one suffers physical harm too, for he always remains in anguish and depression. Meanwhile, the one of whom he is jealous suffers nothing at all. By you being jealous, he does not lose even one of the favours that Allah تعالى has granted. Instead, your good deeds go to the one of whom you are jealous. You thus lose your good deeds. So this jealousy has backfired on you, and in the process you have committed a major sin. The law f-or every major sin is that it is compulsory for the perpetrator to repent to Allah تعالى without delay. Hasad or jealousy ranks among the devastating sins, and thus requires urgent repentance.
Once, my Hazrat said something unique. As a matter of fact, every statement of his was u:nique and peculiar. He was in a class of his own, singularly and wonderful. He says that among the evil spiritual attributes, ujub (vanity) and hasad (jealousy) are two that take very long to be eliminated. So much so, that right until the end the Shaikh has to work very hard work on these two. And whenever spiritual brothers (i.e. those mureeds who are under the same Shaikh) were destroyed, it was because of jealousy.
The waves of both these evil traits, vanity and jealousy, continuously rise and swell, and keep on surging ahead’ ‘Therefore, one should have contact with such a wali of Allah تعالى who is an expert in this field, and possesses a deep insight into spiritual maladies’
(Hazrat Haji Muhammad Farouq Sahib رحمه الله)