The Rank of Ṣabr: Three Aspects – Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah رحمه الله
Ṣabr ʿalaṭ-ṭāʿāt: To have ṣabr (patience) at the time of having to perform ībādat. For example, one’s mood was such that one had no desire to perform namāz. However, one’s temperament was kept in check and namāz was performed. Whatever burden the tabiyat felt, whatever distaste he may have experienced, were completely ignored and namāz was performed.
Ṣabr ʿanil-maʿṣiyat: To have ṣabr when the tabiyat inclines towards sin. For example, a pretty face passes by and the eyes become corrupt, but immediately sensibility prevails and he scolds himself: ‘What! Is Allāh l not watching you? Have you no shame? Do you have no fear of Allāh l, of standing in front of Him on the Day of Qiyāmat (Resurrection)? What answer will you give then?’ With this awareness, he immediately recites: ‘And there is no might, nor power, except in Allāh l, the Most High, the Most Great.’ and he opposes the immoral inclination of the nafs. He has not given in to the nafs.
Ṣabr fil-muṣībat: To make ṣabr when faced with some difficulty. For example, some incident has occurred contrary to one’s tabiyat, causing difficulty, harm or grief, in connection with one’s jān (health), māl (wealth), or ābrū (honour). For instance, a child passes away, or one’s money or goods have been stolen, or one’s honour has been besmirched. When this happens, the tabiyat is upset and it feels burdened as if a heavy load has been placed on it. However, immediately the understanding is there: ‘This is not from my side. I did not request this difficulty. This is from that Being who has created me. There is some wisdom in it. There must be some good in it for me. It is to save me from some future harm.
(Majālis Masīḥul ʿUmmah: For Friends – Vol. 1, page 335)