Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed:
“On that Day (of Qiyaamah) neither wealth nor sons will be of a benefit, except that person who comes to Allah with a perfected heart.”
Imaan and Aqaaid on which is based the acceptance of all A’maal (righteous deeds) are the acts of the heart. All virtuous deeds are designed for the perfection of Imaan. It is therefore clear that the true objective is the Islaah (reformation) of the heart. The heart is like the king and all the other parts of the body constitute the army or the servants. If the king is just and uprighteous, the effect of his piety will extend to his subjects. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“Behold! In the body is a lump of flesh. When it is reformed, the whole body becomes reformed, and when it is corrupt, the whole body becomes corrupt. Hear well! That lump of flesh is the heart.”
Along with the Fiqh which deals with the external laws relating to bodily actions, there is another Fiqh which deals with the internal laws relating to the acts of the heart. That Fiqh of the heart is known as Tasawwuf which is also a part of the Shariat just as the Fiqh of the external body is a part of the Shariat.
Just as the Qur’aan commands observance of Salaat and Saum, it commands Sabr and Shukr. The latter two are acts stemming from the heart. In one place the Qur’aan mentions the performance of the physical Hajj and at another place it speaks of the profound love which the Believers have for Allah Ta’ala. While the rites of the Hajj are related to the external body, Love for Allah springs from the heart. The Qur’aan and the Ahadith make reference to innumerable acts of the heart in the same way and with the same emphasis it accords to external acts of Ibaadat.
Therefore, the claim that Tasawwuf has no Qur’aanic and Hadith basis is utterly baseless. The Qur’aan Majeed says in regard to Islaah-e-Baatin (reformation of the nafs): “He who has purified the nafs has attained success, and he who has corrupted the nafs has failed.”
by Majlisul Ulama