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Q. While walking through the qabrustaan is it permissible to recite the Qur’aan Shareef loudly?

A. Yes, it is permissible to walk in the Qabrastaan reciting the Qur’aan Shareef audibly. The Amwaat (the deceased inmates of the graves) derive immense benefit from the recital of the Qur’aan Majeed. Once when a Buzrug (Wali) visited the Qabrustaan, he witnessed numerous spiritual entities outside the graves gathering something. Intrigued by this scene, he supplicated to Allah Ta’ala to reveal the mystery which he was observing. By way of Ilhaam the Buzrug was informed that the entities were the souls of the Amwaat, and that he should ask one of them to explain their action. The Buzrug then requested one of the souls to explain what they were doing. The soul said: “Seven days ago on Friday, an Aalim while passing through this qabrustaan recited Surah Ikhlaas three times. His recitation generated a tremendous amount of thawaab. Since last Friday we are still gathering from the treasure of that thawaab.”