Are You a Man Who Menstruates?

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Kharshah bin al-Hurr narrated:

I saw Umar bin al-Khattaab (radhiyallahu anhu) while a young man passed by him, who had his lower garment hanging (below his ankle) and he was dragging it. So he (Umar) called him and said:

“Are you one who menstruates?”

He replied

O Ameer ul-Mu’mineen, does a man menstruate?”

He (Umar) replied:

So what is the matter with you having your lower garment (trousers) hang down upon your feet?” (ie. only women are permitted to do so)

Then he (Umar) called for a knife, gathered the hem of his trousers and cut what was below the ankles.

Karshah (the narrator) said:

It is as if I (can still) see the threads (from the professionally amputated trousers) trailing upon his heels.”

(Recorded in the Jaami’ of Sufyan ibn Uyayna. Ibn Abi Shaybah also narrates a shorter version of this incident with a Saheeh chain.)
