ON HIS way to Makkah to perform Hajj, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak (radhiyallah anhu) passed through Kufa. Passing by a dump he saw a woman defeathering a dead duck. It occurred to him that perhaps it was a dead duck. So he asked the woman: “Is this duck carrion or is it slaughtered?” She said: “It is carrion.” He said: “Allah Ta’ala has made carrion haraam and you in this city consume carrion.” She said: “Don’t worry about me.”
However, Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mbaarak, persisted to admonish her. Then she said: “I have little children. We have not ate a morsel for the past three days.” Greatly grieved, he went with his mule to the market place and purchased food and some clothes and delivered it to the home of the woman. He knocked at the door. The woman opened. Then he said: “This is food and clothes. Take it as well as the mule. It is for you.”
The Hajj caravan had left him. He remained in Kufa and missed Hajj. He waited for the return of the Hujjaaj. He returned to his hometown with the caravan. When the Hujjaaj reached their hometown, a large crowd had come to welcome them. They asked Hadhrat Ibn Mubaarak about the Hajj. He said: “I did not perform Hajj this year.” One of his companions said: “Subhaanallaah! Did I not leave my money with you (in Makkah), then I took it from you afterwards?” Another Hajee said: “Did you not give me water at a certain place (while performing Hajj)? A third one said: “Did you not purchase for me certain things?” (i.e. while at Makkah). Hadhrat Ibn Mubaarak said: “I don’t know what you are talking. I tell you that I did not perform Hajj this year.” That night in a dream someone said to him:
“O Abdallaah! Verily, Allah Ta’ala has accepted your Sadqah. Allah Ta’ala sent an Angel in your form to perform Hajj on your behalf.”
An Angel in the form of Ibn Mubaarak had accompanied the Hujjaaj, hence they believed that he had performed Hajj with them.