The Answer Given By Hadrat Sayyiduna Sa’ad – May Allah Be Pleased With Him – To His Mother.
It is reported that when Hadrat Sayyiduna Sa’ad – may Allah be pleased with him – accepted Islam, then his mother stopped eating and remained hungry. In other words, she began to test the Imaan of this blessed companion. She also mentioned to him that, as long as he did not leave the religion of Islam, she would continue to be in this state. The answer given by this blessed companion to his mother is also something which will always be remembered in Islam. Hadrat Sayyiduna Sa’ad – may Allah be pleased with him – said to her, “O my mother, even if you had a hundred lives and each one of them left your body in front of me still too, I will never leave this religion. If you wish you may eat and if you wish you may not eat.” (In other words, the choice is yours). It is mentioned that when she saw the steadfastness of her son, she began to eat.
(Tafseer Qurtubi)
Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him – narrates that the Holy Prophet – may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him – has stated that, “The similitude of a believer is like the crops (in the field). The wind always make it bend. Sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left. The believer is always in a state of test and trial. The Munafiq is like the pine tree which never shakes until it is removed from its roots.”
(Jame’ Tirmidi, Muslim, Imam Ahmed)
Hadrat Sayyiduna Jabir – may Allah be pleased with him – narrates that once the Holy Prophet – may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him – visited Hadrat Sayyidah Umme Saa’ib – may Allah be pleased with him. (She had very high fever). (When he saw her state, he asked), “What has happened to you that you are shivering so much?” She replied, “It is fever, may Allah Almighty give no Barakah in this.”
The Holy Prophet – may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him – replied, “Do not speak ill of fever because fever eliminates sins from the children of Adam – peace be upon him – as furnace removes dirt from iron.”
(Sahih Muslims Shareef)
Hadrat Sayyiduna Abu Moosa – may Allah be pleased with him – narrates that the Holy Prophet – may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him – has stated that, “When a person becomes ill or he is on a journey, (and because of this, he is unable to perform his Nawafil), still, in his records of deeds the same amount of action is recorded when he was stationed somewhere or when he was well.” (In other words, even though he is unable to perform these acts of Nawafil, due to these two reasons, still, he is given the reward as if he had completed them.)
(Sahih Bukhari Shareef)
Hadrat Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn ‘Umar – may Allah be pleased with them – narrates that the Holy Prophet – may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him – has stated that, “When a person in on a pious route and then becomes ill, (and he is unable to perform Ibadah), then the Angel who records the good deeds of this person is told (by Allah Almighty to write on the record of deeds of that person) the same as when he was well until he becomes well or he is taken (to Allah Almighty).
(Sharahus Sunnah, Imam Ahmed)
- Wealth and property of this world are favourites of everyone, like the fresh fruit which is sweet, delicious and attractive for all. Everyone likes them and is attracted towards them.
- The most delicious fruit of this world is women but at the same time it is the most baneful one.
- One who is inclined towards wealth and women and ignores the Islamic legal injunctions, has his Deen at stake; and one who benefits from them keeping oneself within the bounds of Islam, would be safe from their ruinous effects ان شاء اللہ.