Earning For Oneself And One’s Family Is Jihad

Reading Time: 2 minutes


It is narrated from Hadhrat Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه that a person who makes an effort to earn for his family is in the path of Allaah تعالى.”
BENEFIT: Not to be concerned about the provisions for one’s family and to just loiter around is an act of ignorance. On the other hand, to be concerned about their needs and to endure the difficulty of earning a living is like Jihad. There is encouragement in this for we learn that earning for one’s family through Halaal means is not Dunya but Deen.

Translation: Hadhrat Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنه reports that Nabi-kareem صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم has said, “Earning Halaal income is Jihad.”
BENEFIT: This means that there is reward in earning a Halaal livelihood just like in Jihad because both are the command of Allaah تعالى and entail obedience to Him. Or it means that there is difficulty and endeavour in earning a living like there is in Jihad. Most certainly there is difficulty and endeavour involved in earning a Halaal livelihood in this day and age.

It is difficult; it goes against one’s Nafs. The difficulty is greater while the profit is less.
BENEFIT: Therefore O traders, shopkeepers and labourers, earn Halaal income. Do not fall prey to deception in one’s labour, do not fall short and thereby make one’s income Haraam or doubtful. Make sure you earn the reward of Jihad and thereby this world as well as the next.

Translation: It is reported form Hadhrat Anas رضي الله عنه that Nabi-e-Kareem صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم  said, “One who avoids Halaal (does not adopt it) then Allaah تعالى will test him by means of Haraam.”

BENEFIT: This means that there are Halaal sources of sustenance available but one is not satisfied with them. One’s income appears to be less. Instead of occupying oneself with such Halaal sources, one becomes entangled in Haraam means of income. It is clearly evident that if one is not occupied with Halaal sources, one will go towards
Haraam. As an example, one has a farm, one has a shop but one’s heart is not in it. One’s heart inclines rather towards stealing, towards robbery and towards bribery, as a result of which Allaah تعالى gives one the opportunity to get involved in such crimes and in this way, one becomes deserving of punishment. O people, do not become heedless towards Halaal means of earning otherwise you will be caught up in Haraam.