Keeping a Asaa (Stick) has Multiple Benefits – Hassan Basri Rahimahullah

Reading Time: 2 minutes


It is recorded in narration that carrying a stick (Asaa) is a sign of a Mu’min and a Sunnah of the Ambiya (Alayhimus Salaam).

When Allah Ta’ala spoke to Musa Alyhis salaam for the first time, He asked Musa Alyhis salaam:

“And what is that in your right hand, O Musa?”
He said, “It is my staff; I lean upon it, and I bring down leaves for my sheep and I have therein other uses.”
[Allah Ta’ala] said, “Throw it down, O Musa.” (20:17-19)

It is recorded in the commentary of Bukhari Sharif that whoever departs on a journey with a walking stick (Asaa), then Allah Ta’ala will protect him from every harmful predatory animal, a thief that harbours enmity, and from all poisonous creatures (such as snakes, scorpions), until he returns to his family and home

77 000 angels remain with him who will seek forgiveness for him until he returns to his home and family and puts the walking stick down.

It is narrated from Hassan Basri Rahimahullah and others that, in keeping a walking stick has multiple benefits:

  • It’s the way of the Ambiya Alaihi mus Salaam
  • An adornment of the righteous
  • A weapon against enemies
  • A means of assistance for the weak and old
  • A transgressor fears it
  • It is a direction for its owner when he performs Salaah and a means of strength when he is tired.

Allamah Qurtubi (Rahmatullahi alaih) has mentioned the following:
• Shaytaan flees from a believer when he has an ‘Asa
• Evil people and hypocrites are awed by him
• It could be used as a sutrah in salah
• It is a source of relief when tired

From the above  we understand that there are innumerable benefits of carrying a walking stick.

Note: Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi alayh mentioned that the Sunnah is to keep an Asa after age of 40.
One does not have to keep it all the time with him.
Imagine if everyone had to keep a Asaa all the time with them how difficult will it be.
Two hundred Asaa to be stored where Jumah Salaah time?