Guidelines for a Woman during Menses
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Guidelines for a Woman during Menses
During monthly menses it is mustahab (desirable) for a woman to make wuzu at the time of every salaat and to sit where she performs salaat and occupy herself in some form of Zikr, example: Subhaanallah. Alhamdu-lillah etc. for the time it normally takes to complete salaat. Insha-Allah, the habit of performing salaat will still remain during this period of time.
* The “Daily Routine” (as suggested below) is a useful guideline for a woman to follow during menstruation. It is however, only a guideline, and as such can be adopted and changed to suit one’s own time and needs.
* It is permissible to make Zikr of Allah Ta’ala and send Salawaat (Durood
Sharief) to Rasulullah (sallallaahu alaiyhi wasalam) and make Istighfaar
(repentance) or read any other wazifas during menstruation. One should be constant in one’s usual Zikr. One should not recite the Qur’aan Sharief at all but one may recite duaas (supplications) for different occasions and tasbihaat. One may also recite the relevant verses of Duaa, which are quoted from the Qur’aan Sharief when making Duaa e.g. “Rabbana aatinaa fid-doonya hasanataw wa-qina azaaban- naar”.
* She may touch the paper on which these duaas are written but not the actual words. She is also allowed to read, teach or touch all other religious kitaabs but it is not desirable to touch these books unnecessarily. She must not touch the actual Aayats of the Quraan Sharief which appear in these kitaabs. It should be remembered that in this state of impurity (haiz) she should try and remain clean and occupy herself in Zikr , Duaas, Salawaat (Durood Sharief), Istighfaar, etc. In this way she will be saved from shaytaan during this period.
* If the entire Surah Faatihah is recited with the intention of Duaa or if any other Duaas in the Quraan Sharief are recited with the intention of Duaa and not with the intention of Tilaawat (recitation); then it will be permissible.
* It is also permissible to read Duaa-e-Qunoot (the dua: which is read in witr salaat).
* It is permissible for a woman during menstruation to say
“Bismil.lahir-rahmanir- rahim” and “Alhamdulillah”, while eating or drinking because here the object is not to recite Quraan Sharief but the object is to obtain barkat (blessings and express shukr (thanks).
*It is also permissible for her to read the Hizbul Aazam Munajaate’ Maqbool, Aayatul Kursi etc. as the Quraanic Aayats in it are read with the intention of duaa.
* To reply to the Azaan and to recite other such things, Kalimah Shareef, Durood Shareef, Allah Ta’ala’s Name, Istighfaar, etc, are all permissible and correct in the state of Haidh. However, it will be better and commendable to recite all these wazeefahs after making wudhu or gargling one’s mouth, Nevertheless, it would also be permissible to recite them just like that.
* She is not allowed to touch any object on which an Aayat of the Qur’aan Sharief is written. She is however, allowed to touch those kitaabs in which the verses of the Quraan Sharief are less than the actual subject matter in the book but she is not allowed to touch the actual verse of the Qur’aan Sharief.
* She is not allowed to touch any utensil, plate or piece of paper on which only an Aayat of the Qur’aan is written. She is, however allowed to touch these utensils etc. with some other separate piece of cloth.
* She is allowed to hold the Qur’aan with a joozdaan (cover) which can be separated from and is not sewn to the Qur’aan. Similarly, she is allowed to touch the Qur’aan with any other piece of cloth which is separate and which she is not wearing. She is not allowed to touch the Qur’aan with a joozdaa (cover) which is sewn and attached to it or with any clothes which she is wearing, like a scarf, or a sleeve or a dress etc.
* It is Haraam for a woman in the state of Haidh to recite any part of the Qur’aan Sharief with the intention of Tilaawat, regardless of whether it is an entire Aayat or just a part of it.
* It is also permissible to read the translation of the Qur’aan Sharief, but one must be careful not to touch the Qur’aan Sharief.
Suggested actions at the time of Salaat
- Tasbeeh-e-Faathimi
- Istighfaar
- Kalima Tayyiba
- Morning & Evening Duaas.
- Tasbeeh-e-Faathimi
- Istighfaar
- Salaat & Salaam.
- Istighfaar
- After Asr Tasbeehs (x3)
- Munajaate Maqbool
- Tasbeeh -e-Faathimi
- Special Istighfaar
- 40 Rabbana’s
- Tasbeeh -e-Faathimi
- Istighfaar
- Morning & Evening Duaas
- Manzil
Before Sleeping
Four Quls (ie. Surahs Kaafiroon, Ikhlaas, Falaq, and Naas)