Pack of Dogs – Moulana Jalaluddeen Rumi (rahmatullahi alayh)
Moulana Jalaluddeen Rumi (rahmatullahi alayh) was walking with his students when they came across a pack of dogs that were relaxing in peace.
A student said:
“Look at these dogs how united and friendly they are towards each other as compared to us human beings.”
Moulana Rumi (rahmatullahi alayh) pondered a while and then replied:
“Its true these dogs lie in peace now but throw a bone amongst them and then see the disturbance of the peace you speak about, likewise is it with mankind…
As long as there is selflessness between two people and the gain for worldly things is not considered, they are the best of friends.
But let GREED of the world be thrown before them then note how the peace is disturbed and they fight worse than dogs.
Only those who set little interest in the world and realize that everything will die and perish, can have a peaceful life.”
May Allah Ta’ala forgive us all and save us from evil.