Words and Reflections – Part 2 – Hazrat Moulana Mohammad Ilyas – رحمه الله
Moulana Mohammad Ilyas رحمه الله Words and reflections
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله said:
“Whenever a bondsman of Allah wishes to take a step towards any good deed, Satan opposes him in many different ways and places difficulties and hurdles in his path. But if these twists and turns fail to stop his progress and that bondsman of Allah starts doing that good deed after crossing these hurdles, then Satan’s second effort starts: he then tries to become the shareholder of that good deed- either by injecting evil into his sincerity and intention- or using some other similar means. That is, sometimes he attempts to mix the desire for show and fame, and sometimes he tries to corrupt his sincerity by mixing other motives- and at times he succeeds in this effort. It is, therefore, recommended for religious workers to remain alert from this danger. They must keep on safeguarding their hearts from such satanic whisperings, and should regularly examine their intentions. This is because the moment an intention other than the intention to please Allah becomes a part of a deed, it no longer remains acceptable by Allah.”
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله said:
“This sad negligence and shortcoming occurs in many madrasahs that although the students are given education, yet no considerable effort is made to put these students to the actual objective of this study (that is, service of deen and calling towards Allah) when their education gets complete. As a result of this negligence, many promising student-scholars of these institutions, having completed their studies, only aim at earning their living. For this, they either rush to study herbal medicine or join the teaching profession in English schools after passing the government university examinations. In this way, all the time and money and all the efforts that were spent on their education not only go to a complete waste but corne in the use of the enemies of deen in some instances. Therefore, with respect to this education we should concentrate our efforts and thinking more on this thing that the students who get their studies complete, they should get involved only in the service of deen and in fulfilling the rights of the knowledge of deen. If our lands produce no fruit, it is still a loss; but if they produce fruit that goes to our enemies, it becomes a far greater loss.”
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله further said:
“The religious deformation and damage that the government’s university examinations like ‘Molvi Fazil’ have brought on, is not being duly realised by us. These examinations are taken with the only purpose of seeking job in English-style schools. In other words, on the road to meet its objectives, the infidel government has introduced this system of education and has offered such examination so that the Muslim students may be made eligible to assist, or rather, making them the paid-means, in the completion of the schemes of infidel system. Think on this issue that, what else the greater injustice to the religious knowledge and its misuse could there be that the work of the ‘service’ of the education system of the enemies of Islam is taken from this knowledge. In other words, by means of these examinations, the direction of religious education is turned towards the infidels and the infidel government instead of linking with Allah and the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam. Therefore, it becomes very dangerous.”!
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله said:
“The primary and most important requirement of knowledge is this that a person should take stock of his own life: he should think over his obligations and his omissions, and should worry for fulfilling the rights which are due on him. On the contrary, if a person instead uses his knowledge for taking stock of others’ deeds and for counting others’ faults, it is but the pride of knowledge- which is deadly harmful to the people of knowledge.”
Do your own work; don’t pick holes in others’ work.
In answer to the question: ‘Why Muslims are not granted rule and authority?’ Hazrat Maulana said:
“When you are not applying Allah’s commands on yourself and are not stopping yourself from doing what Allah has forbidden, and are not fulfilling those commands of Allah which are for subjects, (that is, the things whose doing is not difficult), then, on what ground the administration of the world be given to you? The divine intention, behind giving the believers government on earth, is only that they should run the system of Allah’s commands and wishes in the world. When you are not doing this today even in your personal and subject life, how it can be expected for tomorrow from you, giving you the rule?
Hazrat Maulana رحمه اللهsaid:
“People regarded as loyal supporters of the government are, in fact, not loyal to anyone; they are loyal only to their interests. Since their selfish interests are being satisfied thanks to the present government today, they are supporting her. But tomorrow if their interests were to be served by those in the opposition, they will start singing their praises and will become equally loyal supporters of theirs. Such worshippers of the self-interests are, in fact, not faithful even to their fathers [because their associations alter from one day to the other]. The way to reform these people is not this that we should condemn them, or prepare them for opposing the government. Their real disease is their worship of desires, and so long as this disease remains in them, even if they give up their support for the government, they will become equally loyal to some other powers for satisfying their desires. Therefore, the work which must be done is: cultivating in them the worship of Allah, in place of the worship of desires, and making them faithful supporters of Allah and of His deen. Without this, their disease is not going to be cured.”