The Kufr Interfaith Movement is as old As Islam.The Objective of The Interfaith Plot is The Elimination Of Islam
The Yahood and the Nasaara (Jews and Christians) will never be satisfied with you as long as you do not follow their cult. Say: verily, the Guidance of Allah is the only Guidance. And, if you ever would follow their base desires after the Ilm (Islam) has come to you, then you shall have neither friend nor helper Against Allah.” (Baqarah, aayat 120) The kufr interfaith movement is as old as Islam.
During the time of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasalam), the Yahood and Nasaara had set in motion this kufr movement. The pivot of this kufr movement is compromise – compromise Islam so that there remains a mere shadow of the Islam commanded in the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Since the interfaith movement was initiated more than fourteen centuries ago to undermine and eliminate Islam, the Yahood and Nasaara conspired to lure Muslims into their snare. While not asking to renounce Islam, Muslims were expected to compromise the Haqq of Islam – to compromise its principles, beliefs and teachings to achieve a false harmony and unity.
Initiating the interfaith movement, the Yahood and Nasaara requested Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) to enter into a settlement with them and to establish peace and harmony on condi- tion that he compromises certain principles of the Deen of Islam. In fact, they con- tended that such compromise will pave the way for their entry into Islam. This ayat was revealed to warn Muslims of compromising the Deen, and to reject the de- ceptive overtures of the kuffaar. Allah Ta’ala clarifies in this aayat that the only option which of the Yahood and Nasaara is abject subservience to them – to accept their cult of life and to be accept their domination.
The interfaith movement over the centuries has appeared in a variety of forms and movements. The West has been perennially conspir- ing and inventing ways of subjugating Muslims, and pirating the natural resources of their lands.
The ultimate objective of the interfaith plot is the elimination of Islam, for in the wake of Is- lam’s annihilation, the West will be the sole master to control the lands of Islam.
Extracted from Majlis Vol. 21 No.02