Words and Reflections – Part 3 – Hazrat Moulana Mohammad Ilyas – رحمه الله
Moulana Mohammad Ilyas رحمه الله Words and reflections
Hazrat Maulana رحمه اللهsaid:
“This is a principle that man finds satisfaction in gaining what he likes and wishes for. For instance, a person who loves luxurious living, eats costly food and wears expensive clothes, will not find comfort and ease without these luxuries; whereas the person who loves sitting on a mat, sleeping on the ground, wearing simple clothes and eating simple food, will obviously feel delight in these things. Blessed are they who love simple living in following the Holy Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alayhi wasallam) example, because their peace of mind is in the inexpensive living- the means that are within the reach of both rich and poor. [This is indeed a big gift and great favour of Allah that one finds comfort and ease in simple and inexpensive means.] If our desires were bound with the things that only the rich can afford, we might have remained uneasy throughout our lives.”
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله said:
“We have been commanded to spend on others out of what we have been given in this world; that is, we should not stop what we have been given, but should remain spending on others- but on condition that this spending should be proper and in the right places, according to the discipline and within limits set by Allah,-and should not be in an inappropriate manner or on unnecessary things.”
One day, probably due to rain, meat could not be obtained for the guests of Hazrat Maulana. On that day, a respectable person (who was a close relative of Hazrat Maulana) whose fondness for meat was well known to him was among the guests. I (the compiler) was also present:
To my surprise, the absence of meat from the meal greatly bothered Hazrat Maulana. After a while, he said with sorry feelings:
“It is narrated in the Hadeeth that: ‘The one who believes In Allah and the Last Day, should honour his guest. It is included in honouring the guest that, if possible, he should be provided with what he likes.”
Afterwards, Hazrat Maulana said in a pain-worn voice:
“How one can at all do honour to the guest of Allah and the guest of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam?”
(By this, he meant that those who pay a visit for the cause of Allah and the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam, their rights are greater than the rights of the common visitors.)
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله said:
“Paradise is the return of [fulfilling others] rights. That is, letting go our own rights, our own comfort and our own ease for the sake of Allah,-and fulfilling others’ rights bearing troubles on our self (which includes the rights of AlIah as well). Paradise is the sole reward of such deeds.”
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله further said:
“It is reported in a Hadeeth: Have mercy upon those on earth; the One in the skies will have mercy upon you. Two well-known incidents of two women are reported in the Hadeeth. First, that of a sin-laden and immodest woman who, taking pity, drew water for a thirsty dog from a well. In its return, Allah decided her entering into paradise. The other woman (who was .not sinful) kept a hungry cat imprisoned so that it died in great distress; because of this deed she was sentenced to hell.”
Hazrat Maulana رحمه الله said:
“The style of working of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Makkah (before the Hijrat), i.e., calling people to the good and meeting people in person for this purpose, seems to have changed after reaching Madinah- because there he himself sat in a centre. However, he did so after having prepared a particular jama’at of his responsible companions who had fully and efficiently carried out with the work of da’wat in the Makkan-order of working. After that, it became the need of this work that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam should himself sit in the centre and manage its activities in a systematic way, and take work from the companions. ”
“Likewise, the stay of Hazrat Umar Radiallahu Anhu in the centre, Madinah, became justifiable only when thousands of Allah’s bondsmen were available for jihad so as to elevate the Word of Allah in the lands of Iran and Rome. It then became the need of the hour that Hazrat Umar Radiallahu Anhu should himself sit in Madinah and firmly organise the work of da ‘wat and jihad.”