The Mind-Set of a Muslim

Reading Time: 2 minutes


The mind-set of a Muslim should be total shunning of anything in which there is the slightest displeasure of Allah Ta’ala. That activity in which there is the slightest displeasure of Allah Ta’ala is absolutely worthless, regardless of how many benefits there may be conceived in it. For a Muslim there is nothing dearer than the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.

The Lovers of Allah Ta’ala ignore the external hardships they undergo. Worldly harm and loss do not deflect them from seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. They are happy and comfortable with whatever condition Allah Ta’ala decides for them. In Jahannam there is a group of Malaaikah known as Zabaaniyah or the Wardens of Jahannam. For the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala they care not of serving in this abode of chastisement and being all the time with the inmates of this terrible abode. Although they – the Malaaikah of Jahannam – are not affected by the punishment in Jahannam, but obviously they witness all the time the inferno of Hell, blood, pus, horrible scenes, snakes, serpents, etc.

Another group of Malaaikah are the Attendants of Jannat. They experience beautiful scenes, gardens, refreshing breezes, wonderful faces, and the company of the people of Jannat who are refined in their ways, whilst the Wardens of Jahannam have to put up with the inmates of Hell who scream, bellow and curse all the time. The position of the two groups of Malaaikah is palpably contrasting. Can it be averred that the Wardens of Jahannam are hurt and inconvenienced by their duty? Never! If they are told, “You have the option of being posted to serve in Jannat where there are beautiful sceneries, delightful bounties and wonderful people, but Allah Ta’ala prefers you here,” what will their response be? Their response will be: “O Beloved Allah! Without you Heaven will become hell and with you Hell is heaven.”

This should be the mind-set of a Muslim. His gaze should be rigidly fixed on the pleasure and displeasure of Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala by strictly following the Shariah

The Road To Allah
Selected Discourses of Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi
(May Allah illuminate his resting place)