This is the age in which Fitnah is in the form of ilhaad and zindaqah. Besides the open enemies of Islam, there are numerous enemies lurking within (the Muslim nation) pretending to be the friends of Islam. From within they give effect to their plots. Their plots come within the purview of the aayat: “Verily, their plots are such that even mountains will be eliminated.”
However, Allah Ta’ala has given the assurance: “Verily, We have revealed the Thikr (the Deen), and most certainly We are its Protectors.” Accordingly, Allah Ta’ala has created a group to defend His Deen. In this regard, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
“There will ever remain a group in my Ummah who will be aided on the Haqq until the Day of Qiyaamah.” Thus Allah Ta’ala establishes the Ulama-e-Haqq to neutralize all the clamour and deception of the people of baatil.
The reformers and so-called friends of Islam of this age are in reality enemies of Islam whose salient feature is to mutilate the ahkaam (laws) of Islam.