There Is No Need For Many Bayanat And Lectures..” Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah (رحمة الله‎)

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. 

Nahmadu wa nusalli ala Rasullihi Nabiyl Kareem. A’ma bad.

Our Sheikh, Moulana Maseehullah (رحمة الله‎) to say “for a person who thirsts a deep thirst for reformation Islaah, a thirst for the Akhira, a thirst for wanting to meet Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, a thirst for wanting to go to Jannah, there is no need for many Bayanat and lectures, etc

One small little Majlis, or a few minutes of admonishments and advice is more than enough to change that person’s life. We are saturated with Bayanat, lectures, advice, especially what with social media, being the norm, the new avenue for exchanging ideas, etc. It should not be that we immerse ourselves so much in listening and in gathering information whilst in the process we lose track of the important fact, and that is to attend to our own Nafs  and our own Shaitaan.

Remember one thing, whoever becomes Allah’s friend, it is impossible that he will not have any enemies. It has been explained before Nabi sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, had enemies, it was enmity, animosity, jealousy of such a nature that until today that animosity exists in the majority of mankind against Nabi sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The Haqq will always triumph. Nabi sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam himself mentions that the Haqq will triumph. It will never be overpowered. Yes, there will be fewer and fewer people, but the Haqq will always, it will always manifest itself. Let’s focus on our own deeds for the Akhira.

Do not fall into the trap of giving preference to the affairs of other people’s problems at the expense of your own sukoon. This is a very vital principle which was the further of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is being expounded and explained.

Remember the golden rule, first you look after your own self. From the Quranic Kareem we understand the Ayat in the 28th para where Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala explains “Ya ayuhal ladhina amanu qu an fussiqum wa ah’likum”, oh you believers first you save your own self.

First you look after your Salah, your wudu, your paaki, your napaaki, your halal, your haram, even before your husband and your children, your parents and your brothers and your sisters, first make sure that you are on the right track. Hidaayah is extremely precious, respected listener listeners. There is no greater wealth and no more greater treasure than being righteously guided by Allah Ta’ala.

Allah ala Ta’ala Himself says “Qul innal Huda HudalAllah.” There are many, many different people claiming to giveif Hidayat, that Hidaya which Allah gives, that gives that is the Hidaya.

So first we look after our own interests. It’s not selfishness. You can’t let your Fard salah go, in order to help somebody out of a problem. And this is also a unique and amazing fact, that people choose to create problems for themselves and expect other people to clean up the mess.

Often, we find people going to the Ulama, righteous Ulama and they complain about, for instance, wives being disobedient and a wife does not want to listen and the children are disrespectful. There’s a whole slew of problems… major problems.

The righteous Ulama, when they look at such people they pity them, they feeling sorry, they sympathize with them. They see something further than a problem itself.

They see a person who’s got a television, he probably would have a video, he’s not dressed in a Sunna manner, there’s no sign of Sunna appearance with a beard. It doesn’t appear that he his performing his Salah.

So, when you don’t respect Allah in the laws of Allah, where is your wife ever going to find it in a heart to give true respect to you, when we are disobedient to Allah, do you really think your teenage girl, boy is going to have respect for you? You are living in a world, which is a very, very deceptive world. Get our affairs right with Allah Pak and Allah Pak promise, He will set right our affairs.

You look at a woman, she is busy on social media late at night, WhatsApping people, demanding or instructing her husband not to try and go and see the messages and people she’s in touch with. Do you really, sister, believe that your husband is going to have any respect for you? You really believe it?! Forget it.! This type of liberalism, which is so much in vogue today, it’s so common, it’s destroying the morals and it’s destroying the Akhira and it’s destroying those wonderful set of rules which Allah Ta’ala has set out in the Sharia for the protection of a lady, for the protection of the female.

Just today I read, it’s shocking, in the UK, there are more than 8000 cases of girls being molested in schools alone. The MeToo movement. Look at the Australian Parliament, what is happening there?  When we hear or see or come across such news, then we must make a lot of Shukr, especially our sisters, that Ya Allah you have protected, my Haya, my integrity through that particular system, which You have created for me as my Creator and that is the Hijab system the system of Hijab. A lady who observed the correct Hijab, Wallah she is very safe, extremely safe.

 May Allah Ta’ala grant us the taufeeq to have thirst for our own reformation. Constantly worry, constantly keep the tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah.

We imagine when you say Allah one time, Allah takes our name twice. When we think of Allah, Allah Ta’ala thinks of us, when we speak of Allah, it comes in a Hadith, Allah mentions us by name to an audience better that we have, the audience of the Malaika. When we make the Tasbihat, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala pays attention to us, how we are praising Him. Today you praise the person, tomorrow the same person is your arch enemy. Today you have an enemy, tomorrow he becomes your best friend. There is no tikaana (guarantee) with regards to Insaan, he is perpetually in a state of unpredictability. He doesn’t know, she doesn’t know, we don’t know how our mood will be in the next minute. What will confront us in the next minute? Allah is the only One.

Allah Ta’ala says Qulloo man alaihaalayha faan, wa yab qaa Wajhu  Rabbuka dhul jalalil wal Ikram.

Everything will perish upon the surface of the earth, only the countenance of your Lord will be forever and ever.

Khuda Hudafiz.

Mufti H Boda Hafizullah